1 Thessalonians 5verse21: ‘Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.’
My dear friend, Marriage is something that must not be approached anyhow but discreetly and reverently. This is why we have been considering some important questions to ask yourself before you say a do. These questions are relevant and in order, if you will make a success of your relationship life. So what kind of questions am I to ask?
5. How well do you know this person? This is another crucial question you need to ask before you say I do. Have you known them long enough to commit to a lifetime together? My dear friends, it is important to ask yourself this question before you start going out with anyone.
6. How responsible is the person with finances and handling money? Are they good or bad at managing and making money? Are they a super saver or a frivolous spender? You need to be brutally frank with yourself as you ask these questions! Pro18v9: Eccle5v10.
7. Do you Respect and hold the person in high esteem? Respect is crucial in any relationship, so how would you rate each other when it comes to respecting each other? Eph5v21.
8. If you have a different opinion, are they open to hearing your side or are they defensive and close-minded? This question has to do with how you resolve your differences and it’s another important question that you must ask yourself.
9. Does the person have a social life outside of you and what kind of social life do they have?
10. How do you feel about the kind of friends that they keep or have chosen? This is another critical element to consider before you say I do because you can also easily know the kind of person someone is, by their association. Pro27v17: 18v24.
My dear friends, I hope you are gaining some useful insights about the kind of questions to ask before marriage! I pray that the Holy Spirit will illuminate your path with his light and answers to every bugging question.
Other Scriptural References: 2Cor6v14-18; Eph5v17; Ps37v25:18v28
Prayer for Today: Lord, lighten my paths with your wisdom and direction in Jesus name amen. Help me not to walk in the dark.
CONFESSION: My life will never be the same again because his light and illumination have come into my world. By His grace and help, I know what to do and where to go. His light is my guide and shield. And as I follow his lead, I will not be put to shame concerning my marital life in Jesus name amen.

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
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