Genesis 1verse26, 28: ‘V26- And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. V28- And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.’
It is clear from our text scripture (Genesis1verse28) that God designed man to be productive. That is why he gave those admonitions and instructions to Adam. So he wired man to be productive. Deut7v14. Productivity is something that you need to take seriously as a believer because it’s also one of the ways the world will take you more seriously. Matt5v16; Jn15v8, 16. So how productive are you as a person? And it is possible to live a life of productivity but before we take a look at how you can do this let us examine what a productive life is all about. What is a Productive life?
-It is a life that is fruitful or result-oriented. It is a fruit-bearing life. Matt25v16-17.
-It is a life that is impactful or making its mark. It is an influential life. 1Pet2v9; Philip2v15.
-It is a life that brings glory to God or to his name. Isa43v21.
So in a nutshell, this is what a productive life is all about. So my dear reader, to what extent is your life meeting up to these examples? I believe that no matter where you are, God can take you further to a new dimension of productivity. So how can you be productive?
K1. Insist on Results. Be result-oriented and driven. Don’t settle for anything else or less. Be interested in results in whatever you do. My dear friends, results matter a lot. This is the reason many people are fired or sacked. This is also the reason many are promoted and rewarded! Luk13v6-9; Rev22v12. So insist on results in whatever you do! And how can you achieve this? You can do this by:
-Demand results of yourself. In other words, give yourself a mandate to produce results. Set goals for yourself. Don’t accept the status quo. Gen30v30.
-Demand results of others. Let others know that you are expecting results from them. Matt25v19.
-Pay the price for getting results. Nothing goes for nothing. Are you ready to pay the price for results? Gen32v26.
Other Scriptural References: Matt25v21, 23, 26; 1Cor3v6, 8; Gal6v4.
Prayer for Today: Lord, help me in delivering qualitative and quantitative results in my work in Jesus’s name amen.
CONFESSION: I commit myself to productive living. Therefore I say no to a purposeless and fruitless life! I will bring forth fruits in all that I do. Bearing fruits is my heritage and portion! Therefore I renounce every form of barrenness in Jesus’ name amen.
Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
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