Psalm 92v10: ‘But my horn shalt thou exalt like the horn of an unicorn: I shall be anointed with fresh oil.’
There are different kinds of anointing in the Bible, such as the anointing to teach, preach, heal, deliver, sing, save, and so on. All of these anointings are important, but my emphasis today is on the need to thrive. Yes, there is an anointing to thrive. In our text scripture (Psalm 92v10), the word fresh here also means – ew, green, verdant, flourishing, or prosperous. So we can deduce from this that the anointing here is an anointing to flourish or thrive. In other words, there is an anointing to thrive or flourish, which is the heritage of every child of God. It belongs to you and it is something that should speak in your life. Ps52v8.
It is important for you to also know that God does not just place his anointing on us without a reason or purpose. The anointing to thrive is intended by God to accomplish certain things in your life! Knowing these things will put you in a better position to receive all that this anointing has in store. So what is this anointing supposed to do in your life?
1. To enable you to flourish regardless of the prevailing circumstances or situations of life. This is why this anointing exists and also one of the things it was intended to accomplish. So regardless of what is happening, or has happened, or will happen, you will still prosper and thrive. So this means that the environment you are living in cannot stop or limit because this anointing never lies and if it worked for Joseph in times past it will surely speak also in your life and endeavours. If you are receiving this can you say a BIG AMEN? Gen39v2-6, 21, 23: 41v38-39.
2. To enable you to flourish anywhere you go. Your prosperity is not supposed to be limited to a place or a particular location because this anointing will cause you to prosper anywhere you go. Just as we see this anointing at work in Joseph’s life: He prospered everywhere he went (beginning from Potiphar’s house to the prison yard and ultimately as a Prime Minister over Egypt). So where are you now? What is your current location? Wherever it is, this anointing will enable you to prosper. 2Ki18v7.This anointing is no respecter of location, and just as it worked for covenant people, you can expect it to work for you, too. If you are receiving this, can you say a thunderous amen?
3. It will enable you to flourish regardless of who is in power or government. Dearly beloved, your thriving depends not on who is in power or government but on the Lord because this anointing will make you prosper regardless of who is in power. This is what we see at work in Daniel’s life in Babylon; it did not matter who was in power; he was still very much relevant. This also can become your portion as you begin to release your faith in this anointing. Dan6v28. So my dear friends, know that this anointing is no respecter of who is in power or government. Just like it worked for Daniel, it will also work for you.
So, with these insights, what manner of person are you supposed to be?
Other Scriptural References: Dan1v17, 20; 1Sam18v5, 14, 30; Jos1v7; Gen30v27.
Prayer for Today: Lord, I connect by faith to the anointing to thrive today in Jesus name amen.
CONFESSION: The anointing to thrive is my portion and heritage. I believe that it will work massively in my life as it worked in the lives of other covenant people. My life will be a living witness of this power and grace in Jesus’ name amen. Hallelujah to Jesus!
Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
Amen 🙏 Amen 🙏 Amen 🙏 Amen 🙏 Amen 🙏 Amen 🙏 Amen 🙏 Amen 🙏 Amen 🙏 Amen 🙏 Amen 🙏 Amen