Ps.107v20: He sent His word and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions.
God is in the business of sending his Word to you via the teaching or preaching of the word or through his Anointed Agents. However, it’s one thing to send out the Word, it’s another thing to receive it. But there is no doubt about the power of the Prophetic Word. As you can see in our text scripture in (Psalm 107verse 20) that there is Power in the Prophetic Word. In fact, the Prophetic Word is Power (Heb.1v3). The Prophetic Word has The Power to:
– Change your Life. This is what it did in the life of several people who have encountered it and yours won’t be an Exception. The same power in the Word that changed the life of Saul, Cornelius, Mary etc. will visit you also (Acts 9v4-6).
– Change your Circumstances or Condition. It will change sickness to healing. Nothing to Something. It will change losses to Gains and also change Defeats into Victories if you cooperate with it (Lk.5v4-6; Mk.3v5).
So my dear reader, never underestimate the power of the Prophetic Word. The Prophetic Word is a Now or Saying Word. It’s the spoken or Rhema Word. It’s a word for a particular time, reason and duration. There are several examples of these in Scriptures such as (Ps.105v17, 19 (Joseph Enthronement); Lk.1v13, 20 (Zacharias/Elizabeth, Promise Child) and 2Ki.5v10, 14 (Naaman’s Cleansing) to mention just a few.
At this Juncture, I will like to share with you some important truths you need to know about the Prophetic Word.
1. It may come when you least expected it. It may come suddenly or Unexpectedly and this is part of the mystery of the Prophetic Word. This is what happened exactly in Samaria in the time of Great Famine in (2Ki.6v25; 2Ki.7v1). God sent the Word when people least expected it. This is how the Prophetic works.
2. It may not make Sense but it will produce Signs. This is why it’s an Unusual Word. It doesn’t make sense to the senses or the natural but you cannot deny it’s results or potency. This what happened at the Marriage at Cana of Galilee at the turning of water into Wine! When the Word came forth, it didn’t make sense to the natural but look at what it produced (Jn.2v1-11), this is how the Prophetic Word works and this is what you can expect from this kind of Word (Jn.9v6-7).
3. It may look too good to be True or Real. That is why people say can this really be God because it looks too good to be true. But guess what, it’s still God at Work. This is what makes this kind of word superior to ordinary Words. My dear brothers and sisters, just an encounter with the Prophetic Word will change your story and life forever (Gen.18v10-15).
This is why you should never despise the Prophetic Word because it carries so much power and it also has a great potential too. You need to learn how to cooperate with the Word if you will greatly benefit from it. This is what I am praying for you, may today usher into that dimension of Grace and Glory.
Other Scriptural References: (Lk.17v11-18; 2ki.4v16-17; Lk.5v4-6: 5v5: 6v17; Jn.5v8-9; 1Sam.10v6-7; Gen.26v1-6, 12-16).
Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, I acknowledge the power of the Prophetic Word in my life and Operations.
CONFESSION: The power of the Prophetic Word works for me. It’s changing my life and my story. It’s changing my status. It’s giving me a new name and hope. I fully embrace the power of the Prophetic Word. Glory be to God, it’s a New Day for me.

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.