2Chronicles25verse2: ‘And he did that which was right in the sight of the Lord, but not with a perfect heart.’
I am super excited to be back again today as we continue our discourse on serving God in the right ways. I strongly believe that you have been blessed by the truths that I have shared with you so far. And today by the special grace of God, we will proceed further by looking at more ways of serving God. Are you ready for this? So here we go!
5. By Serving God sacrificially. This is the way to serve God. We don’t serve God out of convenience but out of sacrifice. Serving God will cost you something. Hear this, my dear friends, nothing goes for nothing. In fact, the higher you want to go in life, the higher the sacrifice. Sacrifice is part and parcel of serving God. So anyone who is not ready to sacrifice is not ready to serve God. Luk2v36-37. So what kind of sacrifices are you making for his kingdom?
6. Serving Him with everything you have. My dear reader, this is one of the ways we ought to serve God. You are to serve God with everything you have and not some or part. Serving God is an all-inclusive thing. Acts 20v20, 27.
By the way, what does it mean to serve God with everything you have? It means to serve:
-God with the totality of your being I.e. spirit, soul, and body. Eccle9v10.it simply means to put the whole of your being into serving God.
-God with your talents, gifts, and Abilities. Rom12v6.
-God with your skills, experience, expertise, and exposure. All of these things are also supposed to be brought into our service for God. Exo31v2-6.
-God with your resources and money. Our means and money are also supposed to be involved in Serving God. Luk8v2-3.
-God with your family and household. Your spouse and children are supposed to be involved in Serving God too. Jos24v15.
My dear friends, are you serving God with everything that you have?
Other Scriptural References: Philip 4v15-19; 2Chro2v13; 1Pet4v10; 1Cor4v7; Pro17v16; Col4v12; 1Thess3v10
Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, I receive grace to serve according to the above-mentioned ways today in Jesus name amen.
CONFESSION: I am resolved that my service life will not remain the same again from today. For my eyes of understanding have been enlightened. Therefore I do away with every contrary way of serving God and I embrace God’s ways of serving him. This is my new motto and mantra! This is how I will serve God from henceforth in Jesus name amen. Hallelujah!

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
Amen. Thank you for sharing this and it really blessed me. May the Good Lord bless you.