2Chronicles25verse2: ‘And he did that which was right in the sight of the Lord, but not with a perfect heart.’
I strongly believe that you are getting blessed as a result of these series of teachings on the ways to serve God. God has certain ways in which he wants us to serve him. Many people have gotten it wrong in their service because they think that God is not interested in the ways and manners that they serve him. I believe that you can see from some of the things that we have served so far that God is obviously interested in the way you serve him. So once again in today’s lesson, let us explore more ways by which we can serve him.
3. By serving him all the days of your life. Yes, this is how God wants you to serve him. We don’t retire from serving God but we ought to serve God till we go to our reward. As long as you are breathing, you ought to serve the Lord. So there should never be a time where you are not actively involved in serving God. Whether in your youth, adult life or even your grey years, you ought to be busy serving God. This is the way God wants you to serve him, are you willing to serve in this manner? Luk1v74-75.
4. By ensuring that your service is motivated by love. Not every service is motivated by love but if your service will be accepted in God’s eyes and sight, love must be the motivating factor. Rom12v9.
My dear friends, our service must never be motivated by greed, envy, position, what to gain or benefit, strive, bitterness, or covetousness. It must always be motivated by God. So in all that you do for his kingdom let love be the driving force. 1Cor16v14.
This is where I will be bringing our discussion to an end today, do join me tomorrow for the continuation of this series! Thanks!
Other Scriptural References: 2Cor12v15; Jn21v15-17; Luk2v36-37; Deut6v4-6.
Prayer for Today: Lord, I receive grace to be a doer of these truths in Jesus name amen
CONFESSION: I chose to serve you all the days of my life. I chose to serve as motivated by love. This is my pledge and vow! And I receive grace and mercy to walk this truth in my service to God. So help me, precious Holy Spirit!

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.