Ps.23v1: The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.
Do you know God as your sufficiency? This was a reality in the life of David as we can see in (Ps.23v1). He calls the Lord is Shepard, notice he says ‘The Lord is my Shepherd’ not The Lord was or going to be my Shepherd’. This truth was a present reality in David’s life. This ought to be true about you because you are a child of the covenant and you even have a better covenant than David himself (Heb.8v6). So it’s time to know God as your sufficiency. This is the primary aim of this series of teachings. However, in order to truly know God as your sufficiency, there are certain attributes of his that you need to know. It is these attributes that I have been sharing with you and today, by his grace, I will be sharing more insights about this truth. So without much ado, here we go!
- He can use anybody anywhere at any time in meeting your needs. This is absolutely true about the God of all sufficiency and one of the reasons he can do this is because he is the Almighty and he also rules in the affairs of men. In fact, often at times, he uses the most unlikely or least imagined set of people to meet your needs. I have experienced this a couple of times and I know that he will do much more along this line in your life. So be expectant and ready for his visitation (Lk.8v2-3; 1Cor.1v26-29).
- He can use anything anywhere at any time in meeting your needs. My dear reader, this is why he is the Lord of hosts and he has all his hosts under his command. The same way he used five loaves and two fish to feed over 5000 men in Matt.14v15-21. That is how he will surprise you, too, in this season. And the same way he spoke to the Ravens to take care of Elijah in 1Ki.17v4, he is speaking to certain things to take care of you in this hour too. So let not your heart be troubled, for he has you in his plans. Glory!
- He can use any situation/circumstance anywhere at any time in meeting your needs. He is not limited by your circumstance. In fact, he can use any kind of circumstance i.e. either good, bad or ugly, to work in your favour. Look at the case of Elijah, for example; he took care of him during a time of famine by using the ravens and the wisdom of Zarephath. So adversity has advantages; he used the persecution of Joseph for his rising and promotion in Egypt. He can turn a curse into a blessing! I can see him turning things in your favour too. I can see him turning things around for your good (Gen30v20; 2Ki.4v1-7). So my dear reader, rejoice, for your redemption is nigh. You will surely not be put to shame in Jesus name, amen.
Other Scriptural References: (Neh.13v2; Lk.5v1-8; Rom.8v28; Jn.2v6-9: 6v9; 1Ki.17v14; Eze.1v1-2; 2Ki.5v3; Gen.26v1-6, 12-14, 16).
Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, I acknowledge you from today as my source and sufficiency. I depend on you to meet all of my needs in Jesus name, amen.
CONFESSION: Glory be to God, for he is my shepherd. Therefore, I will not be in need because he cares for me, I have all that I need. There is nothing that I lack because he is my source and sufficiency. I trust in the ability of my shepherd to take good care of me and all that concerns me. Therefore, I refuse to fret or worry for anything, for my God is more than enough for me.

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
God of Heaven, Ruler of the Earth, God of Nations, God of all-sufficiency, my hope is in YOU, thank You for taking good care of me.