2Cor.9v8: “And God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work.”
Dearly beloved, the God of all-sufficiency is your God and He wants to manifest himself to you in this dimension. Do you know him as your sufficiency? This is what this series of lessons really is all about. As you can see in (2Cor.9v8) that the grace of all-sufficiency is available. I pray that you will be partaker of this grace indeed. From our last lesson, I shared with you the assurances and confidence that we have in God being our all-sufficiency. My focus in this lesson is to share 3 more reasons why God is indeed able to manifest as your all-sufficiency.
Divine assurances of being your all sufficiency:
i. Because God knows how to meet all your needs. Precious child of God, this is quite a reassuring proof to know. It helps you to know that God knows exactly what to do in order to meet your needs. He is never confused or in the dark as to how to meet your needs. So, there should be no reason whatsoever for you to worry or lose sleep about any matter or need for your heavenly Father is up to the task (Lk.5v4-6).
ii. Because God is able to meet all your needs. This is why He is your all-sufficiency. Your needs do not exceed neither are they bigger than your God. In fact, your heavenly Father is bigger than all your needs. I want you to always remember this. No matter the kind of need you may be faced with today, the God of all-sufficiency is bigger than whatsoever is confronting you. So, relax in His promises for He will surely sort you out (Lk.1v37).
iii. Because God is able to superabundantly meet all of your needs. This is another proof of His all-sufficiency! He is not just able to meet your needs but He is able to richly supply all your needs. This is what His grace of all-sufficiency is all about. You will discover in the gospels that whenever He made His supernatural provision available, it always came with an abundance of leftovers. He is liberal and generous in the way He ministers to the needs of men, most especially His people. Therefore, I declare that your case won’t be different in Jesus name (Ps.68v19).
Precious child of the Highest, it’s time for you to begin to experience the all-sufficient grace of your God. It’s time for an overflow and surplus. May this grace begin to speak in your life in Jesus name, amen.
Other Scriptural References: (1 Tim. 6 v 17; Ps. 81 v 10-16; Jam. 1 v 5; Jn. 10 v 10; Jn. 21 v 6; Matt. 15 v 37: 14 v 20; 2 Ki. 4 v 1-7; 1Ki. 17 v 2, 9).
Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, I look to you as my all-sufficiency; therefore, I know that I will surely not be put to shame. Thank you for meeting all my needs in Jesus name, amen.
CONFESSION: The God of all-sufficiency is my God. This grace speaks and works in my life. This grace is making ways for me. This grace opens the door of increase and surplus unto me. Therefore, my needs are superabundantly met according to His riches in glory. My heavenly Father is making ways for me where there seems to be no way. My steps are ordered by Him into my pot of blessings. My help comes from Him. My supplies will never run out or dry for He is my all sufficiency. Glory be to His name!
Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
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