Matthew 12verse37: ‘For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned.’

You are welcome back to our discussion on the power of speaking the right words. I believe that you have been blessed by the truths that we have examined so far and today by his grace, I will be sharing more insights on the kind of words you ought to speak. I believe that you are ready for today’s lesson and so without ado let’s consider what we have for today’s lesson.

d. Speak what you want or mean and not what you don’t want or mean. This is another powerful means of speaking the right kind of words. At times because of fear or insecurity, we can’t say what we want, thereby limiting ourselves in the process. But I have learnt from experience that it pays to always say exactly what you want or mean because this is the way your words will make a way for you in life. So my dear friends, stop speaking what you don’t want and start speaking exactly what you desire. You will be shocked as to how this adjustment will bring about a massive change in your life and operations. Mk11v23. There is power in speaking forth your desires and besides God wants to meet you at the point of your needs or desires. So always speak what you want for with God nothing will be impossible. It’s time to lay hold of the fullness of God’s plan and purposes for your life. May this be your testimony from today in Jesus name amen.

e. Speak consistently and not once in a while. This is another important way you ought to speak if your words will work for you. At times we speak for sometimes and we stop, instead of speaking God’s word and promises all the time. My dear brothers and sisters, if your words will work for you then you must learn how to speak daily into your life and situations. Keep speaking forth the words of life until it comes into the material realm. Don’t stop speaking because it is in consistency that the power lies. Rom10v6; Pro21v28.

So my dear reader, if you really want your words to put you over in life, you must keep speaking the right words. Are you ready to take up this challenge?

Other Scriptural References: Pro11v9, 11: 12v6:13v2-3:15v4; Luk17v5-6.

Prayer for Today: Lord, help me in paying attention to the kind of words that come out of my mouth in Jesus name amen.

CONFESSION: I receive grace and power to work out these nuggets! I am fully committed to choosing my words wisely because my outcomes in life are dependent on what I say. So I chose to speak life and not death. I choose healing over sickness! I choose success over failure. This will be my lot in life as I take heed to my words!