A time of pressure is not a funny and easy period, it’s really a challenging season for the person going through it.
One of the most difficult things to do when the pressure (s) of life is taking its toll on you is what i want to encourage you with today, which is,

7. Choose to be happy:

It’s a matter of choice. Don’t allow your circumstances, challenges, problems give you a name or posture or define who you are to you.
You have to make up your mind to be happy, choose to be merry. Throw a party, give a victory shout, dance your dance. Stop the fear, the murmurings etc. Stop hitting yourself on the head, part yourself on the back, congratulate yourself for how far you’ve gone in life, many would love to have your place and space. Give yourself breathing space and a treat.
Prov 17 vs 22 says ” a merry heart doeth good like medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones”.

Choose to be merry today, as a merry heart is as good as medicine, it keeps you alive, strong, healthy, younger and more vibrant. But when your spirit is broken or cast down, it dries up your bones, that is, you become sickly, you look older than your age, it attracts some diseases into your body et cetera
When the prodigal son returned back home to his father, instead of mourning, the Father threw a party, he changed his cloth, put a ring on his finger, put shoes on his feet and killed a fatted calf to welcome him back home, he chose to be happy and not otherwise.

Come on, get up from your pain, trouble, pressure and choose to be happy. Be intentional about it. You are more than that pain, you are more than conquerors. Throw yourself a victory party, change your cloth, wear lovely perfume, dance your dance and shame the devil and your mockers. Square your shoulders and give the devil and your troublers a good laugh.
I celebrate your next level in advance.

Stay blessed and stay safe.