Ephesians 4verse22-24: ‘V22- That ye put off concerning the former conversation the old man, which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts; V23-And be renewed in the spirit of your mind; V24- And that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness.’
Behavioral change is complicated and complex because it requires a person to disrupt a current habit while simultaneously fostering a new, possibly unfamiliar set of actions. But thanks be unto God for his ever-present help and assistance in dealing with such issues as this. God can help you become a better person (wife, husband, brother, or sister). It all depends on your willingness and cooperation! This is what this series of teachings is all about and I believe you will find these nuggets useful and of great help to your goals. So, what does it take to change yourself?
Tips On How To Change Yourself:
1. Make a quality decision to change! Not a casual one but one that is from your heart. This is where real change starts. Nobody can change you if you refuse to change. So, my dear reader, to experience real change, you must want to change. Ps16v8; Dan1v8.
2. Get out of your Comfort Zone. Change begins outside your comfort zone and not within it. Are you willing to step out of your comfort zone? Are you willing to move into the challenge zone? Are you ready to break out of what you are comfortable and familiar with? Are you ready to do things differently and in ways you have never done before? Are you prepared to try new things? These are just some of the questions you must provide answers to if you really want to change for the better. So, my dear friends, it’s time to confront your fears and Goliaths! It’s time to challenge your insecurities and status quo! It’s time to walk on the water. I pray that this will be your experience today in Jesus name, amen. Matt14v28-30: Jos1v6, 7.
So my dear friends, what will be your response to the things I have shared with you today?
Other Scriptural References: Ps119v59-60; Lam3v40; Luk15v17-20; Deut31v6-7.
Prayer for Today: Father God, I receive grace in hearkening to your words today in Jesus name amen.
CONFESSION: I refuse to remain in the same spot in my life and walk with God. I desire more and to be more! I desire to be all that God has prepared for me. Therefore I embrace the process of change that God is bringing my way today! I chose to change and I receive your help to follow through with my convictions in Jesus name amen.

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
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