Ephesians 4verse22-24: ‘V22- That ye put off concerning the former conversation the old man, which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts; V23-And be renewed in the spirit of your mind; V24- And that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness.’
Becoming a better or changed person is one of the areas that we often struggle but this ought not to be so if you are willing to meet the conditions for change. Nothing goes for nothing! As you can see from our text scripture (Ephesians 4verse22-24) you must be willing to let go of the old man and change your thinking before you can put on the new man. Another way of saying this is that you must be willing to pay the price for change. You can’t remain who you are and expect a different outcome in life. So, are you willing to change? Are you ready to change your attitude, attitude, approach, and behaviour? The extent to which you answer these questions will determine the kind of change you will experience.
We often want a better outcome or results in life but are not ready to change. My dear friends, if you don’t change, nothing changes or nothing will change! Another way of saying this is to say that by changing nothing, nothing changes! Internal changes precede external changes and at times, the hardest part of change is taking the first step. But this is what you need to do if your life and outcome will change for the better. Gen32v26.
So why do we struggle or find it difficult to change?
1. Because of Habitual Patterns. Your habitual patterns have become hardened in your brains and body, so this is why you struggle with changing. But do not worry; this can be overcome with your willingness and discipline to create new habits.
2. Because we are not ready to pay the price. There is a price for the prize! To become a new and better person, you need to be willing to pay the price. And the higher you want to go in life, the greater the sacrifice! To go up, you have to be willing to give up some things! Pro17v16.
So my dear brothers and sisters, to what extent are you willing to go to become the kind of person you were designed to be?
Other Scriptural References: 2Cor3v18; Rom12v2; Col3v5; 2Cor5v17.
Prayer for Today: Lord, I receive grace and your help in turning a new leaf in my life today. In Jesus name, amen.
CONFESSION: Lord, I embrace the change that you are bringing my way! I also commit myself to the discipline of the process and whatever it will take to become a better person! I say bye to the old and embrace the new God has in store for me. As I subject myself to your workings, I am emerging a better person in Jesus name, amen.

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
I receive grace to pay the price to become better. Thank you sir for sharing