Galatians6 verse7-10 ‘V7 Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. V8 For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting. V9 And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. V10 As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.’

Dearly Beloved Ones, I hope you are enjoying this series of lessons on the law of giving and receiving. Your understanding of this major principle will not also change your life but also place you where you belong in destiny. This is why you need to know how to put this law to work in your life and from our last lesson, I have shared some of those key principles with you. Today by his grace, I will share more insights on how to work this principle. So without much ado, let’s examine them right away.

How to Profit from This Law

4. Where you sow is as important as what you sow. The kind of soil you sow will determine the kind of harvest that you will have. Good soil will give you a good harvest, while bad soil will give you a bad harvest. So, my dear reader, you need to pay attention to where you sow your seeds. A wise farmer is careful where they sow their seeds. Isa32v20.This is why you need to sow into the right kind of soil and how can you know a good or fertile ground? You can know this by:
-Following the leading of the Holy Spirit. In other words, sow as directed by the spirit of God. Rom8v14
-By making enquiries about where you want to sow. Always investigate before you sow or invest.
-By using your common sense.
My dear reader, just make sure that you sow into anointed places or people so that you can reap a bountiful harvest. 2Ki4v8: Philip4v15-19.

5. Give with the right kind of attitude. Your attitude determines a lot of things in life; this is why you need to also pay attention to the kind of attitude with which you give. So what kind of attitude do you need to give? Your giving should be:
-Out of Love Jnv16
-given cheerfully 2Cor9v7
-done sacrificially. 1Chro21v24
-done to honor God. Pro3v9-10.
These are just some of the motives that you need to have when you give. My dear brothers and sisters, under no account, should giving be done under duress, force or condemnation, otherwise, it will be an exercise in vain. So if this law will work for you, you need to give with the right kind of attitude. 2Cor9v6-7

6. You don’t reap at the same time you sow. This is another fundamental law of harvest that you need to know if the law of giving and receiving will work for you. It takes patience to receive the harvest. This is why you need to learn to wait for the harvest because there is a waiting period between when you sow and reap. However, some harvests come early, while others come in late. It’s just what you have in the natural too; cash crops take a longer time for you to reap the harvest other than the ones you reap within a few months. So precious child of God, learn to wait for your harvest and while waiting, learn to give God the praise because he will make all things work together for your good. Mk4v26-27
One thing is sure and certain; your waiting shall not be in Vain because God is ever faithful. So hold on because your change is coming!

Other Scriptural References: Lk8v15: 2Thess3v13: Heb6v12,15: 1Ki17v13-16: Matt13v8: 2Cor8v1-5

Prayer for Today: Holy Spirit, help me to do my part in experiencing my harvest in Jesus name, amen.

CONFESSION: God is ever faithful to his Word! Therefore, my waiting will never be in vain. I believe God that I am coming into the fullness of my harvest in Jesus name, amen! My testimony shall be nothing is broken and nothing shall be missing in my life!