2Cor.1v21: Now He who establishes us with you in Christ and has anointed us is God.
The anointing of the Lord is supposed to be evident in your life as a believer. It ought to be profound and visible in all that you do and who you are also. This is the way God ordained for it to be but if this will be a reality, you need to be more conscious of the Anointing. Often times we are not that aware of what we carry, hence the reasons why you don’t see much of what the Anointing is supposed to accomplish in your life. That is one of the reasons for this series of teachings. I trust that things will begin to change for the better in Jesus name, amen. So what are some of the things the Anointing is meant to accomplish in our lives? I have shared some with us in our last lesson, however today I will go a step further in sharing more of these Blessings with you. So here we go!
- It’s the source of your Wisdom. The anointing is designed to make you wiser than your age or mates. In fact, the anointing will even make you wiser than your competitors or competition. Because the anointing confers on you the kind of Wisdom that is beyond your age, experience, exposure or expertise. This is one peculiar thing you see at work in the lives of Anointed people like David, Daniel, Joseph and even Solomon to mention just a few (1Jn.2v20, 27). So the answer to knowing what to do lies in the anointing. So it’s time to depend more on the Anointing. You won’t be put to shame as you do this in Jesus name, amen.
- It’s the Source of your Lifting and Promotion. The anointing is a lifter and Promoter. This is why you need to take the Anointing on your life more seriously. You see this anointing at work in the life of David. After the Anointing came on him, you will notice that David was lifted:
– Higher than his Brothers.
– Higher than his Contemporaries.
– Higher than his Past or Background.
– To a New level and Dimension (Ps.89v19).
My dear brothers and sisters, this is what the anointing is set to do in your life if you will only allow it. So it’s time to allow the anointing to have its way in your life. If you will do so, say a big Amen (Ps.45v7).
7. It’s the source of your Victory. The anointing guarantees your Victory in the battles of Life. By making you a Winner and not a Loser. The anointing makes you a Champion and not a defeated One. It was the Anointing that put David over in the battles of his life (Ps.44v6, 8; 1Sam.17v33-37). You too can expect the Anointing to put you over in life because God is no respecter of persons but of faith. My dear reader, I see you becoming a Victor and not a Victim in the Challenges of Life as you begin to walk in the fullness of your Anointing. Glory be God, it’s a New Day.
8. It’s the source of your Dominion. The anointing will put you in charge and in command of the situation and circumstances of Life if you know how to yield or walk in your anointing. God designed you to reign and rule over the earth. The anointing is your weapon for dominating your world, Satan, Sin, sicknesses, diseases etc. You are not supposed to be the subjugated but to be in Dominion. So to what extent are you walking in your Dominion? (Ps.89v25)
I see the era of you being conquered coming to an end. Your Era of Dominating your World has Come. I see God’s power working mightily in you to put you over in life. If you believe this, say a big amen.
Other Scriptural References: (Isa.45v1-2; Jug.11v29: 6v34: 3v9-10; Acts 6v10; Ps.45v7; Heb.1v9; Ps.89v24, 27).
Prayer for Today: Glory to God, it’s a new day for me, for God’s power is at work mightily in my life and endeavors from today in Jesus name, amen.
CONFESSION: From the revelation and understanding that am receiving from this series, the anointing begins to work mightily in my life. My Life is taking on a New Meaning because the anointing enables me for Victorious Living. The blessings of the Anointing is a Living Reality in all that I do. As I acknowledge and cooperate with the anointing, I am walking in a Richer and fuller manifestation of the Anointing. Glory be to God for the anointing is at work within and upon my life.

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
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