James 2 verse 26 ‘For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also.’

How would you rate yourself when it comes to taking initiative? I believe that we are not the same when it comes to taking initiative; this is often what separates people in life. This is why you need to know how to take initiative if you will ever go far in life. So how does someone take initiative? This is what I will be sharing with you in this lesson today and so without much ado, let’s examine how to do this!

1. Stop Procrastinating. Just do it. Stop giving excuses and start taking action. Rom2v1

2. Confront your fears, worries, and insecurities. If you are not willing to do this, then there is no way you will be able to take the initiative. So start challenging these things instead of encouraging them to thrive in your life. Start living courageously. This is how you take initiative and also change your life forever. May today usher you into such kind of change in Jesus’ name amen. Jos1v6,7,9

3. Do what you have always wanted to do. Live your dreams. Go after your dreams and stop trying to please people.

4. Stop waiting for perfect conditions just start. This is why many people don’t take initiative, but you can change the narrative today by taking the bull by the horns. Eccl11v4

5. Seize opportunities when they come. Opportunities wait for no man. This is why you need to make hay while the sun shines. It’s possible to miss out on an opportunity that you fail to explore. So make up your mind today that you take full advantage of the opportunities that come your way. Eph5v16

My dear brothers and sisters, I am fully persuaded that as you work these principles, you will be leveraging the power of initiative.

Other Scriptural References: Col4v5:  Zech4v9:1Ki18v43-44: Deut31v6-7,23

Prayer for Today: Holy Spirit, help me to take more initiative than I have ever done before in Jesus’ name amen.

CONFESSION: I dare to take the initiative from today. I refuse to be an onlooker instead, I choose to be part of the people who make things happen! I am a mover of men and things. I am not a sitter. As I take initiative, my life and story will change in Jesus’ name amen.