Romans 8 verse 14 ’For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are sons of God.’
As a child of God, hearing God is your heritage. This is a basic and important truth about divine guidance that you need to understand if you will be able to hear from God. However, my focus in today’s lesson will be centered on how someone can be led of God. How can you as a believer receive divine guidance? There are ways of hearing from God and there are ways of not hearing from God. So what do you need to do in order to enjoy divine guidance? These are the things we will be considering from today so if you are ready here we go!
1. Spend Valuable Time in his Presence I.e. God’s presence. Yes, this is something that you need to treasure if you will hear from God. You need to love and desire his presence. Ps26v8;27v4. Those who have cultivated the habit of spending time in his presence will find it easier to hear his voice than those who don’t have this practice and discipline. So how often do you commune with God? Is it something you do regularly or once in a while? It’s time to make spending time with God a regular practice because this is what guarantees your ability to hear God. So my dear reader, if spending time in his presence is vital, then how do we get into his presence? You can get into God’s presence via the following means:
I. The word of God. Jos 1 v 8
ii Prayer Acts 6 v 4
III Praise and Worship Ps 100 v 4
iv Fasting Isa58v11
v Ministering unto the Lord or serving the Lord. Acts13v2
vi Being in the House of the Lord.Ps23v6
These are just some of the common ways of accessing his presence and these avenues are available to every child of God. So it’s time for you to take your communion with the Lord more seriously. It’s time to nurture and foster that relationship. Your time of communing with the Lord is never wasted time because the direction is born out of fellowshipping with the Lord. So also is illumination and revelation. My dear brothers and sisters, my candid advice to you is to invest heavily in your time of fellowshipping with God as this will pay you huge dividends in the future. So what are you waiting for?
Other Scriptural References: Ps119v72: Jb23v12: Col1v9: Acts9v11-12;11v4-5;10v9: 2Tim3v16-17: 1Pet2v2
Prayer for Today: Lord, help me to imbibe the culture of seeking your face into my daily walk with you!
CONFESSION: This is the day that the Lord has made! It’s a new day for me! My days of walking in the dark are over! I walk in the light of his word. Therefore, I can discern his voice. Glory be to Jesus

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.