Romans 8verse14 ’For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are sons of God.’
As a child of God, you ought not to have any challenges with hearing from God because divine guidance is your heritage. So the issue of groping in the dark ought not to arise. You ought to walk in the light of God. Isa2v5. But from my experience in life and ministry, I have discovered that some believers still have challenges with hearing from God. From our last lesson, I shared some of the challenges that are associated with hearing from today by his grace, I will be shading more light on these challenges so without much ado, let’s examine them right away.
4. Not everyone is listening. It’s one thing for God to speak, and it’s another thing to listen to what he is saying. This is why hearing is not the same as listening. Listening is deliberate and Intentional. Listening is wanting to hear or making an effort to hear. So are you willing to hear from God? If you are willing to hear, God is ready to speak. So it’s time to start paying attention to what God has to say. It’s time to take away everything that is distracting you from receiving from God. Ps95v7;46v10. When you do this, hearing from God will be without much struggle.
5. Not everyone is in the right position. It’s important to log into the right frequency or wavelength if you hear God. This is why your positioning is very important. This is why you need to know how to tune into God. You can get into the right position by your prayers, worship, meditation, and waiting on God. 2Ki3v15-16: Hab2v1. So, my dear reader, it’s time to be sensitive to God’s voice.
6. Not everyone is in touch with the Lord. It’s possible to lose touch with God. May this never be your portion, but as you will see in the Bible, some people lost touch with God (for instance, Eli, Samson, King Saul, etc.). Hence this is the reason why you need to maintain your contact with God on a daily basis. Enough of being in touch with God once in a while. Enough of not being in touch with God at all. The time has come for you to stay in touch with God consistently. Doing this will help you to stay in touch with the power source and also help you to be sensitive to his voice. 1Sam28v3-6,15-16: Jug16v20,28
My dear brothers and sisters, it’s time to move from the dimension of not being able to hear God’s voice. Instead, move into the fullness of hearing his voice. If you are receiving this, say a Big AMEN.
Other Scriptural References: Ps55v10-12: Pro28v13: 1Sam13v8-10: Lk19v1-4: Acts13v2: Gen12v10;13v14: Heb12v2
Prayer for Today: Lord help me to stay connected to your power source in Jesus’ name amen
CONFESSION: Holy Spirit, help me to be sensitive to your voice. Help me to be rightly positioned in hearing from you. I lay aside everything that is capable of hindering my ability to hear from you! This is my confession and prayer in Jesus’ name amen.

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
Amen 🙏 Amen 🙏 Amen