Luke18verse1 ‘And he spake a parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray, and not to faint;’

It’s interesting to note that there seems to be a decadence or decay in the place of prayer! Why is this so? These and many more other things will be considered in today’s lesson. There is no smoke without fire! My dear brothers and sisters, I want you to know that nothing just happens. There are reasons behind every form of negligence or decadence in the place of prayer. Pro26v2. So why do we have decadence in the place of prayer today? I would like us to examine some reasons for this anomaly, so off we go!


1. The attitude of people towards prayer. By the kind of attitude that you have towards prayer, I can tell whether or not, you value prayer. Eph4v23. This is why your attitude matters a lot in this life. Anyone with a nonchalant attitude towards prayer will struggle in their prayer life. So my dear brothers and sisters, if you want your prayer life to go down, then you need to have the right attitude towards prayer. Acts3v1.

2. A lack of a strong commitment to the business of prayer. Praying is a serious business and it’s not for the faint-hearted. Nothing works by itself but you have to make it work. This is why those who fail to work on your prayer life will go through a decay in their prayer lives. So, how strong is your commitment to prayer? Do have the kind of commitment to prayer that Prophetess Anna had (Luke2v36-37). So, my dear reader, the antidote to decadence in your prayer life is to increase your commitment towards your prayer life. Are you ready to make these adjustments?

3. Not everyone has a virile prayer life. If your prayer life is nothing to write home about or not productive, the likelihood of suffering from decadence in your prayer life is high! So, this is why you need to work on having a productive prayer life. A productive prayer life is one that is alive, active and proactive. It’s not passive or cold.

So, my dear reader, how would you describe your prayer life? Cold or hot? Burning or going down? The answers you give to these questions show the state of your prayer life. I pray that you will really experience a visitation of God in your prayer life. May the wind of God blow afresh on your prayer life today in Jesus name, amen.

Other Scriptural References: 1Thess5v17; Col4v12; Hab3v2; Jam5v16-18.

Prayer for Today: Holy Spirit, revive my prayer life today in Jesus name, amen.

CONFESSION: I receive God’s visitation today on my prayer life. I receive God’s fire in my prayer life again! Help me, Lord never to lose my passion for prayer again in Jesus name, amen.