Acts 1 verse 8: ‘ But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.’
After the salvation experience, one of the greatest blessings in the life of a believer is baptism in the Holy Spirit. But sadly, not every believer knows this blessing. This is why God is bringing this message your way today, and in case you know this blessing, you can grow deeper in it. From our foundation scripture (Acts 1 v 8), it’s apparent that power comes into the life of a believer as a result of the baptism experience. This power changes you for the better because it changes you into another person. This simply means that your life should change for the better as a result of the baptism experience. This was true concerning the Apostles, so your life should not be an exception. Acts 4 v 13, 31. I can tell you from my personal experience that my life has taken quantum leaps as a result of the Holy Spirit baptism. This should be your testimony too. So, what are the blessings of this baptism experience? There are several of them, but I shall be sharing some of them with you in this series. The blessings here mean benefits or advantages. You need to know that these blessings are not just a one-time experience but a continuous experience. So, in a nutshell, baptism in the Holy Spirit is a lifetime experience of blessings. I pray that this blessing won’t elude you in Jesus name, amen.
1. It helps you develop a strong and virile Christian Life.
The baptism in the Holy Spirit is designed to fortify your spiritual life. I know this from personal experience. If you really want to grow spiritually, you need this indispensable gift because it will add fuel or energy to your spiritual life. I decree today that an end has come to every form of feebleness in your spiritual walk because the power of the Holy Spirit has come to help you. Lk 24 v 49.
2. A supernatural means of speaking to God.
This is one of the unique benefits of the Holy Spirit. It enables you to communicate with God directly and also in a language that Satan cannot decode or discern. Glory be to God! What a blessing this is to your life. My dear reader, this is why you need to embrace the benefits of baptism in the Holy Spirit completely. When you speak in tongues, your spirit man is actually praying or speaking to God directly. It’s time to get more intimate with your Father. 1Cor 14 v 2
3. A means of spiritual edification.
We need to be constantly edified; you can get this benefit as a result of praying or speaking in tongues. This is one of the numerous blessings of the baptism experience in the Holy Spirit. When you are edified, you are built up and encouraged. Edification is a means of developing and building up someone or something. My dear brothers and sisters, I tell you the truth, I lie not; you need to be regularly built up, especially in this kind of world that we live in now. Glory be to God who has not left us without a means of being built up. Jud 1 v 20. It’s time to maximize this great opportunity of being edified.
I see you overcoming every form of discouragement and depression because of this benefit of being edified. In the name of Jesus Christ, you will live in the fullness of the blessings of the baptism experience in the Holy Spirit. If you believe that, say a big amen.
Other scriptural references: 1Sam 10 v 6 – 7: Jn 14 v 16 – 17 ,26: Acts 2 v 4: Eph 6 v18: Rom 8 v 26: 2Cor 4 v 16
Prayer for today: Thank you, Father, for the blessing of the baptism in the Holy Spirit.
CONFESSION: I live by the blessings of the baptism in the Holy Spirit. I walk in the reality of these benefits. Therefore, my life is a true reflection of a Spirit-filled believer. Thank you, Jesus, for this privilege! My life can never remain the same again!

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.