Pro. 29 v 18: Where there is no revelation, the people cast off restraint; but happy is he who keeps the law.

A wise woman once said “having eyes without vision” is worse than not having eyes but with a vision. This clearly demonstrates the importance of having a vision in our lives, which has been the focus of our discussion for some time now. Eyes that look are very common, while eyes that see are very rare. So what kind of eyes do you have? The Almighty gave you the capacity to see and you need to use it judiciously. I strongly believe that as you receive these truths, your eyes of understanding are getting enlightened and renewed in Jesus’ name. Today, I intend to continue discussing why having a vision is so crucial to your life. So what’s the big deal with having a vision?


  1. Because it will determine what you are able to accomplish. Your accomplishments are a product of what you see, so not having a vision will minimize what you can do. My dear reader, you can tell what a man can do by his vision. This is why it’s crucial for you to have a vision for your life (Gen.11v6).
  2. Because it will determine your future. The truth of the matter is that your Tomorrow is in your Vision or Dreams. So vision, therefore, means No Tomorrow. Your future is not in your salary or environment but in your vision. So precious child of God, what do you see yourself becoming or doing? Having a clear vision will sort these issues out for you.
  3. Because it will determine your realities. Your vision determines what you have or possess. This was what Elijah was trying to make Elisha understand in (2Ki.2v9-11). The double portion of the anointing became his portion because that was what he was pregnant with. What he saw ultimately became his reality. In the same vein, what you see is what you will get at the end of the day. So you need to pay attention to your vision.
  4. Because it will help you to focus on what is really important. Vision and focus help you not to chase shadows or waste your time and resources anyhow. This is one of the major reasons you need to have a vision because it will choose your focus for you and how you focus. My dear reader, what you focus on is what you will become and have. This is what you need to start paying attention to your vision (Lk.9v62).
  5. Because it gives meaning and a sense of purpose to your life. Without a vision, life is meaningless and without a purpose. It is the vision that adds color and beauty to life; this is why it’s so crucial for you to have a vision. So if you really want to be satisfied and fulfilled in life, you need to have a clear vision for your life (2 Tim.4v16-18).

My dearly beloved ones, I believe you can see the necessity and importance of having a vision. Vision is such an indispensable commodity of life. it’s a must-have quality. It’s something you can’t do without. I hereby pray for you from today that your eyes of understanding will be opened to seeing and understanding your vision.

Other Scriptural References: (Acts 26v19; Phil.2v17; Eccle.6v9; 1Cor.14v8: 6v12; Pro.14v12; Isa.42v19-20; Mk.8v21-26).

Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, I thank you for the transformative power of vision that is at work in my life and endeavors in Jesus’ name, amen.

CONFESSION: I am lifted and raised by the power of vision. My life is changing from glory to glory because of the power of vision that is at work in me. My life has taken on a new meaning because of my God-given vision. My days of groping in the dark and living aimlessly are over. My paths are illuminated by the Lord and I live for his glory. His beauty and grace are made manifest through my life and enterprise. This is my testimony and song in Jesus’ name, amen.