Daniel1v8: “But Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the king’s delicacies, nor with the wine which he drank; therefore, he requested of the chief of the eunuchs that he might not defile himself.”
Living a life of consecration should be the pursuit of every child of God because this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus (Heb.12v14). Daniel was conscious of this truth in Babylon; this was why he chose not to defile himself. In other words, he kept himself free from anything that would not make him dedicated to his God. This is how you, too, ought to live in this world. You need always to remember that you belong to God; therefore, you need to live in such a way that will bring him glory. Consecration is simply the process of devoting or setting apart something or anything to the worship or service of God. My dear reader, living a consecrated life should be your goal and aspiration because this is how your heavenly father wants you to live. I know we live amid a crooked and perverse generation, but it’s still possible to live a consecrated life. Why is this so? Because God will not ask you to do what you can’t do and if the likes of Daniel and Joseph could live a consecrated life, you too can do such because the same God is rich unto all who call upon him. The darker the darkness, the greater the opportunity for light to shine. I believe this will be true of you also because light shines brighter where there is darkness (Matt.5v16; Phil.2v15). So how do you live a life of consecration? What are the things that can be of help in this regard?
1. Keep yourself free from defilement. There is a lot of defilement and corruption in this world. If you are uncontaminated, you need to keep yourself free from sin. Just like sin will take you away from God’s presence, the presence of God will take you away from sin. God has given you the power to say no; therefore, you need to use it. You don’t have to say yes to everything. You don’t have to give in to every thought and suggestion of the flesh. It’s time to say no like Joseph and Daniel did (Gen.39v9). One major thing that can keep you free from defilement is the word of God because it has the power to renew and transform your mind (Jn.15v5; Eph.5v26). So it’s time to stay in the Word until your victory is fully established. It’s time to stay away from our filthiness and defilement of the flesh and mind. It’s time to keep and preserve your consecration (Zech.3v1-5).
2. Be willing to live for God. At times, not everyone is ready to live for God, so living a consecrated life can be a struggle. The truth of the matter is you are living for God, yourself, or for others. In reality, consecrated life is a life that is sold out, devoted, or surrendered to God and his Kingdom. It’s a selfless life and not a selfish or self-centered life. It is a life of generosity and willingness to serve others. You need to live this life if you want to maintain and keep your consecration.
Are you ready to live this kind of life? If the answer is a Yes, then there are some questions you need to provide answers to and they are as follows:
- What are you living for?
- Who are you living for?
- Into what are you pouring your life?
Your answers to these questions will determine the extent to which you live for him. It’s time to turn on a new life. It’s time for you to embrace a selfless and sacrificial life for his glory and honor thereof (Matt.20v26-28).
Other Scriptural References: (1Cor.10v24; Col.3v5; 2Cor.6v14-17; 2Tim.2v19, 22; Rom.6v1-2; 1Tim.5v12; Matt.5v8; Isa.52v11; 1Pet.1v15-16).
Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, to you alone, I pledge my life and consecration to now and always in Jesus’ name, amen.
CONFESSION: My life is not my own, for I live for God and his glory. Holiness is my heritage. My life and work are fully consecrated to him and him alone. He is my number one hero and God. My life is devoted to worship and service to my King and God. Jesus is the object of my love and devotion. Therefore, I set aside my life, work, and resources for him and for his glory from today. Holy Spirit, help me to live and walk in the consciousness of your consecration on my life all the time.

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
Amen 🙏 Amen 🙏 Amen 🙏 Amen 🙏 Amen 🙏 Amen 🙏 Amen 🙏