Proverbs 23:18: “For surely there is a hereafter, and your hope will not be cut off.”
Did you know that your expectations can come to pass? Yes, your aspirations, dreams, and desires can see the light of day if you follow God’s ways of bringing your expectations to pass. Dearly Beloved, you need to hold onto your expectations, especially in the face of challenges or contrary evidence. If you refuse to quit or give up, your expectations will come to fruition. So what does it take to bring your expectations to pass?
- Hold fast to your expectations. I mean, hold it tightly, not loosely. Never let go of what you are expecting from the Lord. And how can you possibly do this?
- By keeping your expectations before your eyes. I mean, keep your eyes on what you are expecting. This is how to keep it alive and strong. So do whatsoever you need to do to keep it before your eyes because out of sight is out of mind (Ps.25v15). My dearly beloved ones, always keep before you your expectations.
- By keeping it in your mouth. By declaring with your mouth, you will be holding tight to your expectations. So never let out your aspirations and heart’s desires out of your mouth because this is how to bring them to pass. So my dear reader, it’s time for you to take hold of your destiny by speaking in line with your expectations (Matt.12v37).
- Watch out for God’s directives/instructions. You need to know that God will often speak to you in your waiting season, so you need to watch out for his directives and instructions. The Almighty certainly knows what you need to do in order to possess your possessions. I pray for you today that you will not miss out on divine instructions.
- Maintain a positive or right attitude. Your attitude determines your altitude in life. It also determines your performance and how far you will go in life. So in order for your expectations to see the light of Day, you need to maintain a positive mentality or outlook. Don’t allow the delays or challenges of life to make your attitude negative or sour. Never complain or murmur, instead put on an attitude of faith, joy, gratitude, hope, etc. in spite of whatever condition of life you may be in. This was what helped Joseph in Egypt in reaching his goals and dreams in life. So always maintain a positive and right attitude in life for this is the key to seeing your expectations coming to pass and reality (Philip.2v5).
My dearly Beloved Ones, never give up on your expectations in life. Hold fast to it. Never say never, make up your mind in working these godly principles and I’ll see you in the land of your dreams.
Other Scriptural References: (Heb.10v35-39; Gen.32v26; Lam.3v25; Heb.6v12, 15).
Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, I receive the courage and grace to wait for the manifestation of my dreams and desires in Jesus’ name, amen.
CONFESSION: I hold fast to my expectations and heart’s desires concerning the things that I am trusting God for! I will never cave in or surrender my dreams and goals to contrary forces and the storms of life. I hold on to my expectations. I will possess what I am expecting. I will not be put to shame, neither will my joy be cut short as I wait to receive a bountiful harvest of good things in Jesus’ name, amen.

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
Amen 🙏 Amen 🙏 Amen 🙏 Amen 🙏 Amen 🙏 Amen 🙏🙏 Amen 🔥
I receive it !!!!