2Chronicles25verse2: ‘And he did that which was right in the sight of the Lord, but not with a perfect heart.’
When it comes to serving God, there are right ways of serving him and vice versa. Therefore we need to endeavor to serve him in the right ways so that our labors shall not be in vain in Jesus name amen. This is what we are set to discover and understand through these teachings. And today I will go a step further in sharing with you what it means to serve God in the right ways. It is important for us to know this if we will be successful in serving God well.
So what does it mean to serve God in the right ways?
4. To serve God according to his prescriptions. Yes God has his own prescriptions as it pertains to serving him. So as a wise worker, you will be doing yourself a lot of good by familiarizing yourself with his prescriptions for service. When we talk about prescriptions what do we mean? Essentially, we are talking about his guidelines and procedures for service. This is very important for us to know as his child if your service won’t be in vain. 1Sam15v1-3, 11-15. And in case you are wondering, where to find his prescriptions, Thank God his prescriptions are written in his word. And it is something that you can easily access! Glory be to God in the highest!
5. Not to serve God anyhow or in your own ways. Thank God for your own ways but God’s ways are higher and better than our ways. Isa55v8-9. This is why it’s better to stick to his ways than our own ways. The reason David and Israel got into trouble in 1 Chronicles 13 as they were taking the ark into the place they had prepared was because they chose their own ways above God’s ways or methods. God’s way was to carry the ark on the shoulders of men but they chose to do it differently, no wonder someone died in the process. 2Sam6v6-7. So my dear friends, let us make up our minds that we are going to follow God’s ways of doing things because it will ultimately work out for our own good. Pro14v2.
Other Scriptural References: Jer48v10; Pro21v28; Rom12v11; 1Corinthians15verse58.
Prayer for Today: Holy Spirit, help me to serve the Lord in the right ways all the days of my life in Jesus name amen.
CONFESSION: I chose to follow God’s ways of doing things other than my own ways of doing things. I chose to serve my God on his own terms and according to his prescriptions. This is my resolution and pledge beginning from today in Jesus name amen.

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
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