Proverbs 16verse22: ‘Understanding is a wellspring of life unto him that hath it: but the instruction of fools is folly.’

It is important for you to have the right kind of understanding concerning marriage if your marriage will last. At times the problem is with the kind of understanding that we have as per marriage. As the husband your understanding of who a wife has to be correct, otherwise there will be problems in your home. The same also goes for the wife. For instance, as the husband, you need to know that your wife is not your slave, doormat or housegirl. In the same vein as the wife, your husband is not God and cannot meet all your needs. In our last lesson, I shared with you some of the wrong ideas that some people have about marriage. Today, by His grace, I will be continuing with our discussion, so if you are ready, here we go!


8. Marriage will make you happy. This is far from the truth although being married is a joyous experience but marriage does not automatically make you happy but it is the happiness that you bring into your marriage that determines that. Philip4v4.

9. Your spouse should be able to accept all of you without any need to change. This is surely not true because both parties must be willing to change in order for the marriage to work successfully. So my dear reader, you need to embrace the right kind of understanding as per this truth if your marriage will work.

10. Living together before marriage guarantees a better experience after the wedding. This is one of Satan’s lies; sadly, it’s something we have also picked up from the world through television, movies, shows, novels, etc. God’s idea is still the best in this area when it comes to marriage. Waiting for sex and not cohabitating together before marriage is God’s will for you as his child. Heb13v4; 1Cor6v18. Research has even shown that couples who cohabit before marriage have greater instability than couples who do not cohabit.

11. Your True love will know what to do and say to make you happy. This is seldom not the truth.

12. Getting married automatically means having children. This is another erroneous idea that some people have about marriage because experience proves that this is not the case in most marriages. So, my dear reader, the earlier you do away with these ideas, the better your chances of a successful marital life.

13. Your spouse should be able to read your mind, heal your heart and fill you up. This also is not true; otherwise, your spouse will be God instead of a man.

14. Leading separate lives brings you together. This is certainly not true because many homes have been torn apart because of staying apart for too long.

My dear brothers and sisters, I believe that you are gaining wisdom and insights as per the right kind of understanding we need about marriage if it’s going last in Jesus name, amen. Join me in our next lesson for another powerful encounter.

Other Scriptural References: Jn8v32; Isa5v13; Pro5v15-20: Matt19v5

Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, I receive grace to walk in the light of these truths in Jesus name, amen.

CONFESSION: Holy Spirit, thank you for these insights and truths. As I embrace them, my marital life and experience will never be the same again. It’s a new day for me. My light has come, therefore, I walk no more in darkness. Glory be to God!