Daniel 1verse8: ‘But Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the king’s meat, nor with the wine which he drank: therefore he requested of the prince of the eunuchs that he might not defile himself.’

You are welcome back to this exciting series on New Year resolutions! It’s not just enough to have New Year resolutions, but it’s more fulfilling and rewarding when it sees the light of day. I believe that your days of walking in the dark are over because the light of God has come to set you free Jn8v32, 36. This is why I am super excited about today’s lesson, as I will begin to share with you how your new year resolutions can see the light of day. I believe you are ready for this, so let us open the tool box without much ado!

How To Make Your Resolutions Work For You:

  1. You must be willing to work your resolutions. Nothing works unless you work it. Are you ready to work on your resolutions for the year? The truth of the matter is that no one other than yourself will help you work on your resolutions. So it’s time to brace yourself for this challenge! Don’t allow laziness to rob you of your colourful destiny. Pro24v27. So you must be willing to do the following kind of work as per your resolutions this year:
    -Work on your Resolutions. Make sure that you do something every day about your goals and aspirations.
    -Work out your resolutions. Work on the modalities and approach it will take to see the light of day. Philip2v12.
    -Work for Your resolutions. Make sure that you are working for your resolutions and not against them. Don’t do anything that can jeopardize your resolutions. Instead, do the kind of things that will aid and assist it.
    -Work through your Resolutions. Visualize your resolutions coming to pass and don’t ever give up on them. This is what it means to work through them. My dear friends, are you ready for this kind of work?
  2. Make sure that these resolutions are yours. Don’t ever pursue any resolution that you can’t take personal ownership of. So to what extent can you say that your resolutions are yours? If they are truly yours, the motivation will come from inside you and not based on external or artificial reasons. The condition for fulfilling your resolutions is to take personal ownership of those goals. Make sure that whatever you are pursuing is coming from your heart and not your head. Make sure that those resolutions are not imposed on you but from within your heart. If you can honestly do this, you stand a greater chance of accomplishing your goals. So make sure this is true concerning your goals this year. Ps16v8. As you do this, I will see you in the land of your dreams this year in Jesus name, amen.

Other Scriptural References: Dan3v16-18; Jn5v17:9v4; Pro10v4: 12v24.

Prayer for Today: I receive grace and mercy to be a doer of this truth in Jesus name, amen.

CONFESSION: My Resolutions for this year will see the light of day because I am committed to working things out. As I do my part, my God will do what I cannot do! And I walk in this divine partnership, my life is changing for his glory and my dreams and goals are seeing the light of day! Hallelujah!