John 8verse32,36 ‘v32 and ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free v36 If the Son therefore make you free, ye shall be free indeed.

You are welcome back to our discussion on the subject of freedom from Limitations! I believe that you are coming into a new season of victory and dominion over every form of limitation and fear. From our last lesson, I also started sharing with you some of the tools that will bring you out of every limitation.

Today by his grace, I will proceed by sharing more insights with you along this line! So if you are ready for this, here we go!

3. See yourself the way God sees you. At times what brings people into bondage is because of the negative way they see themselves. If you see yourself as a victim instead of a victor, you have already empowered the enemy in that area of your life. This is why you need to start seeing yourself the same way God sees you! This is very instrumental to your liberation. So how do you see yourself? Do you see yourself the way God sees you or otherwise? The answers you give to these questions will determine whether you will be Victorious or not! So my dear reader, my admonition to you today is to start seeing yourself the way God sees you! Don’t only see yourself from this perspective but also start walking according to this pattern. As you see and walk with this mentality, strongholds and limits will be shattered in Jesus name, amen. Jer1v11,13

4. Seek divine empowerment. There is more than enough grace in God in Overcoming any limitation in our lives. In fact, God can make you strong where you are weak. He can make his grace to abound unto you richly, so you need not worry because your help is here. If you start making a demand on God’s Grace, he will help you to overcome any limitation. So what is that limitation in your life right now? I see God’s grace abounding richly unto you. I can see things turning around for your good. Your hour of liberation has come! As you appropriate these truths, I see you entering into a new season of Joy and fulfillment! If you believe this, say a big amen. 2Cor3v5-6

Other Scriptural References: 2Cor12v9: Philip4v13: Isa10v27: Jam2v20,26: 2Cor3v18: Eph4v26: Matt7v7

Prayer for Today: Father God, I receive by Faith today my total deliverance from every form of limitation in Jesus name, amen.

CONFESSION: Glory be to God! My season of freedom is here! No longer will I be a slave to my fears and insecurities. I receive my liberty today in Jesus name, amen. Thank you, Jesus, for setting me free completely!