Psalms31 verse21 ‘Blessed be the LORD: for he hath shewed me his marvelous kindness in a strong city.’

Dearly beloved, God wants to show and shower his marvelous kindness towards you as his child as he did unto David in our text scripture. It doesn’t matter where you are or what kind of situation you may be in; his marvelous kindness can reach you because it’s part of his covenant provisions for you as his child. So are you ready for his marvelous kindness? I believe your answer is a resounding yes!
At this point in this teaching, I want us to look at what happens whenever God shows his marvelous kindness to his people! I have discovered that certain things happen whenever God doles out his unusual mercies or kindness. Why is this important? It’s important because it will help you see what God intends to do in your life or what he can do in your life too. So let’s examine some of the things that take place!

1. God confounds the Wise and the Mighty. This is one of the things that happens as he shows his unusual kindness to you. And how exactly does he do this? By using the foolish and weak things in our life. This is how God would confound the wise and mighty in your life this season. A good example is Esther (A poor orphan girl becoming the queen of the most powerful empire then, simply because she experienced God’s unusual kindness. Esth2v9, 15). So, my dear reader, it’s time to get ready for mercy on this kind of level too.

2. He uses the most unlikely set of People for you. Yes, this is what God also does as he shows his marvelous kindness to you. He did this in the life of Esther by using Mordecai for her. Esth2v8. He also did this in the life of Naomi by using Ruth for her. Rut4v15. In fact, God also did the same thing for Israel by using the four lepers to bring them out of the captivity and siege they had been under. 2Ki7v3. So my dear brothers and sisters, get ready for God is about to use for you the most unlikely set of People this season in Jesus name, amen.

3. He breaks protocol for you. This he does by changing the rules, laws and decrees for your sake. This is clearly one of the manifestations of his marvelous kindness and God demonstrated this over and over again in the scriptures. For example, Esther appeared before King Ahasuerus when she was not summoned (Esth5v1-3). God broke protocols for her because she was highly favored. He did the same again for the four lepers that he used to rescue Israel from the siege they were under. Ordinarily speaking, Lepers were to be isolated from others but in this case, God broke protocols because the lepers found unusual favor before God. My dear friend, God will also break protocols for you even in his season by virtue of his marvelous kindness towards you. If you are receiving this, can I hear a resounding amen?

Other Scriptural References: Dan1v8-16: 1Ki20v1, 13-15: 2Ki7v2: 1Cor1v26-29

Prayer for Today: In the name of Jesus, God’s marvelous kindness will speak for me in this season!

CONFESSION: I believe I will be a wonder to my world and generation because of his marvelous kindness in my life. By virtue of his unusual kindness that is at work in my life, the world will be drawn to Jesus! His glory and light will shine through my life because I benefit from his uncommon mercies!