Genesis 12 verse 1 – 4: ‘V1- Now the Lord had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father’s house, unto a land that I will shew thee: V2- And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing: V3- And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed. V4- So Abram departed, as the Lord had spoken unto him; and Lot went with him: and Abram was seventy and five years old when he departed out of Haran.’

Do you realize the tremendous power of obedience? Do you know what obedience can do in you, for you, and even though you? If you do, you will take the subject of obedience very seriously. This is what I will be sharing with you in this series of teachings. Dearly beloved, there is awesome power in obeying God. This is the same kind of power that Father Abraham enjoyed in his earthly walk and in fact, this is what we also see in manifestation in our foundation scripture (Gen12 v 1 – 4). So, what kind of power is available in obeying God? From my experience and the testimony of the scriptures, the following dimensions of power are available in obedience:

a. The power to change your life forever.

Yes, this is the kind of power that obeying God brings into your life and this is also evident in the lives of those who truly obey God. A good example is the life of Father Abraham and other covenant people. 1Sam 10 v 6 – 7

b. The power to change your results for the better.

Obeying God can positively alter your results for the better, as we have seen from the lives of those who faithfully obey God. When you obey God, you cannot be on the losing end but on the winning side. This is why you ought to take more seriously your obeying God. Gen 26 v 1 – 6, 12 – 16

c. The power of unusual favour.

Obeying God sincerely can open for you the doors of uncommon favors. This is the kind of power that is made available due to pleasing God. Precious child of God, this too can become the order of the day for you as you put a premium on obeying God. Gen 22 v 17

d. The power to prosper in difficult times.

God specializes in prospering his people during times of famine but one major tool he often uses is Obedience. If you are not the obedient type, you might miss out on his directives and instructions, which often leads to prosperity. This is why you need to leverage the power of obedience. Obedience will do you so much good and blessings. This is why you need to embrace this lifestyle. 1ki 17 v 2

e. The power to keep and preserve your life.

Obedience has the power to protect and preserve your life. Your security and insurance are strongly linked to your obedience. Child of God, never underestimate the power of obedience because it has the potential to do so much good in your life. Lk 2 v 29.

Dearly Beloved, the power in obedience is designed to better your life. This is why you ought to fully embrace this lifestyle.

Other scriptural references: Ps 82 v 5 – 6: Pro 16 v 7: 1ki 17 v 9: Jb 36 v 11 -12: 1Sam 15 v 22: Matt 15 v 28: Exo 19 v 5

Prayer for today: Heavenly Father, I fully embrace the lifestyle of obedience in my life and operations in Jesus name, amen.

CONFESSION: I take delight in obeying God. I put a premium on living a life of obedience. I am lifted by the power of obedience. I am lifted to another level. I move from glory to glory as a result of obeying God.