Psalm 66verse16-17 ‘V16-Come and hear, all yea that fear God, and I will declare what he hath done for my soul. V17-I cried unto him with my mouth, and he was extolled with my tongue.’
How well do you celebrate your victories? The answer is the same for most people as we hardly celebrate our victories. This is obviously not a good attitude, especially if you will excel as a thanksgiver. We ought to celebrate our victories in life, no matter how small or big. This is why the Psalmist says in our text scripture that he would declare what God has done for him. The word (Ps66v16) declared here means to enumerate, recount, celebrate or score with a mark as a tally or record.
Celebrating your victories is a scriptural thing to do, as we can see from the bible (Ps144v1-2: Lk15v22-24: Exo23v14:1Sam17v54).
So my dear reader, how does God expect you to go about celebrating your victories? What is the biblical pattern for doing this? I would like us to consider two examples, which are as follows:
1. Share your testimonies with others. If God has done you well, you should testify about his goodness. Don’t keep it to yourself! Sharing your testimonies will further reinforce your faith and also encourage others. Ps77v11-12. So what are you waiting for? It’s time for you to be an advertiser of his Goodness.Mk1v44-45. May today usher you into such manifestation!
2. Offer God your sacrifice of thanksgiving. I saw this in manifestation in the bible, As God brought to pass his promises in the lives of his people. They returned to give him glory. They came with their sacrifice of thanksgiving. Some examples of these are as follows:
So where is your sacrifice of thanksgiving? It’s time for you to return to your father with your debt of gratitude. So what are you waiting for? Let nothing stop you from showing appreciation to your heavenly father! I see you going from glory to glory as you do this!
Other Scriptural References: Lk17v15-16: 1Chro21v24: Ps116v12-13,17;105v1-2: Mk5v19-20: Jn4v29
Prayer for Today: I decide today to celebrate my victories in life, no matter how small or big!
CONFESSION: I tap into the power of celebrating my victories. Therefore, I am lifted above the storms and challenges of life. I walk and live in the realm of sweat less triumph from today in Jesus name, amen.
Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
I walk and live in the realm of sweatless triumph as I celebrate my victories in JESUS Name.
Thanks be to God who causes me to triumph and through me diffuses the fragrance of HIS Glory, Hallelujah!
Thank you Sir, more insights and revelation in JESUS Name.
I celebrate my victories in Christ Jesus