Eph.1v18: The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints.
Did you know that you are to be envied and highly celebrated? The reason for this is because of the huge and glorious inheritance you have in Christ. You do not have a small inheritance, instead; you have an uncommon inheritance that has been bequeathed to you in Christ. And it’s time for you to manifest this rich inheritance to the glory of his name. This is what these series of teachings is all about and I do hope that you have been blessed by some of the inheritances that belong to you in Christ that I have shared with you. Today we move on again to examine more treasures that we have in Christ.
13. His prosperity is your heritage. This simply means that divine prosperity is yours. Divine prosperity has to do with the prosperity of your spirit, soul, and body. It’s total prosperity. This is also prosperity the way God ordained and planned it. So because his prosperity is your heritage, you cannot be poor. Poverty is forbidden and never your portion. So this means you will prosper and also excel in life. This is what belongs to you now. So renounce and rebel against every thought and spirit of poverty for God’s prosperity is your portion (3 Jn.2).
14. His Wisdom is your heritage. This means that you are never without his wisdom. You know what to do, where to go because God’s wisdom now belongs to you. Say this out loud now, “The wisdom of God is mine. Therefore, I know what to do in any situation of life”. In fact, you have access to the kind of wisdom that Christ operated in while he was here on earth. Glory be to God; this wisdom will put you over in life and also produce supernatural exploits in what you do. This also means that you are not a dullard or a dull person because this wisdom makes you wiser than your age and your contemporaries. My dear reader. I want you to start seeing yourself from this dimension because this is your inheritance in Christ. Glory hallelujah to his name (1Cor.1v30).
15. His righteousness is your heritage. This means that you share in and of his righteousness. Therefore, you are righteous by faith. Glory be to God; His righteousness is better than your own righteousness. Nothing compares to his name and that righteousness is yours now. It’s something you have and also enjoy by virtue of what he has done. You need to know from today that his righteousness is your righteousness, so stop looking at yourself from the point of your righteousness but of his righteousness (Cor.1v30).
16. His redemption is your heritage. This makes you the redeemed of the Lord. His act of delivering and rescuing you from the hands of the enemy now belongs to you. Redemption is your portion. It’s something you are not trying to get but something you already have and it’s fully paid for by Christ. All you have to do is to receive it and walk in the reality of what is already yours. Declare this out boldly, “His redemption is mine and fully paid for. Therefore, I am totally delivered and redeemed”. Redemption is part and parcel of your package. Therefore, I encourage you from today to receive it and also began to manifest it fully in your work and life (1Cor.1:30; Eph. 1:7).
Other Scriptural References: (Isa. 64:6; 2Cor.5:21; Rom.10v3-4: 4v3; Col.1:14, 2Cor.8:9. Gal. 3:13-14, Ps.107:2).
Prayer for Today: Father, I believe and I receive by faith what belongs to me in Christ Jesus. I refuse to live lesser to my heritage in Christ in Jesus Name. Amen.
CONFESSION: I live to manifest my colorful heritage in Christ. Everything that my heavenly Father has laid up for me, I will experience by his grace. I refuse to live a substandard life. I refuse to live according to the dictates of any custom or tradition. My heritage in Christ is my tradition and it’s what I fully embrace. Glory be to his name; I am manifesting all of my inheritance in Christ Jesus.

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
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