Eph.1v18: The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints.
Dearly Beloved, you need to be fully aware of what belongs to you before you can take full advantage of it. At times, we don’t realize what has been made available to us by way of inheritance. This is why these series of lessons are coming your way so that you will be aware of what you have and also take full possession of it. Precious child of God, are you ready to take possession of what truly belongs to you? I believe your answer is a definite Yes. So it is time to live up to who you are. It’s time to walk in the fullness of your inheritance! So without any delay, I will be taking you through again some of the glorious inheritance you have in Christ.
- God’s love is sure and certain for you. There is nothing or no one who can separate you from His love. God’s love is your heritage and portion. This also accounts for why He loves you so much to die for you. There is no other love that is greater or stronger or even better than the love of God. In fact, you are the object of his love. You are the one he lavishes and sheds his love upon (Rom.8:35-39). My dear reader, you need to see and understand that the love of God belongs to you. You are a recipient and dispenser of God’s love. Hallelujah to his name, for you, are never without his love.
- Dominion is your heritage. You were born to rule and reign in Christ. Triumphing and reigning in life belongs to you. You are not meant to be subjugated or tormented in life because you have obtained God’s mandate to rule and reign in this world. So stop talking or walking like a victim or a loser rather begin to walk as a victor and a winner. Dominion is your heritage, you need to begin to rebel against everything that wants to keep you under and in bondage. Today is your day of deliverance! If you believe this, say a big amen (Rom.5v17).
- Sin shall have no more dominion over you. You are walking in victory over sin and all her agents. This is now what belongs to you in Christ Jesus. Sin has been conquered in Christ and Christ’s victory is also your victory. So it’s time for you to start walking in dominion over sin! Declare authoritatively from today that you dominate and walk upon sin and her cohorts in Jesus name, amen (Rom.6v12-14).
- The power of God is your heritage. So you are not without his power. You have access to God’s power 24 hours of the day. God’s power is yours and it’s something that is readily available to you whenever you need it. Know this from today, precious child of God, that you are never powerless but instead, you have more than enough power at your disposal. So you have no business of worrying or fretting about what the enemy is up to. For God’s power is more than enough to handle any battle (Eph. 1:19). Wow, what an immense and uncommon inheritance we have in Christ. It’s time for you to start experiencing in totality everything that belongs to you in Christ.
Other Scriptural References: (Rom. 8:1-2, 2Tim.1v7; 1Jn. 3:1: 4:19).
Prayer for Today: Oh Lord, thank you for entrusting me with so great and rich inheritance in Christ.
CONFESSION: I appropriate and receive in totality everything that belongs to me in Christ Jesus. I will not short-change myself neither will I bring myself low or down. I will manifest all that belongs to me in Christ. I refuse to allow any man, tradition/custom, or myself to stop me from exhibiting my full inheritance in Christ. Christ’s inheritance is my inheritance and I choose to reveal this glorious inheritance to my generation in Jesus name. amen.

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
We have an immense and uncommon inheritance in Christ, this is Great Blessing, thank you LORD.