Eph.2v6: And raised us up together, and made us sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus.
You are welcome back to our discussion on your position in Christ. Yes, my dearly beloved ones, you now have an enviable and glorious position in Christ Jesus. This is by virtue of what Christ did for you. This is what Eph.2v6 also says. This scripture makes us understand that you now have a new position and status in Christ. The will of God is for us to manifest and experience these truths. This is why God is also sending this series of messages your way. I see him transforming your work and life forever. So far, I shared some of the truths about your new position in Christ, but with His help today, I will proceed further to share more insights about your position in Christ. I believe you are ready for this, so off we go!
4. You are a King of the Most High. This is your new status in Christ. What does this mean? It simply means you a ruler and you also possess a kingdom or a domain. You are meant to rule and reign as a King! Is this a living reality in your life? As a King, you are royalty and blessed and highly favoured. You have influence and authority. My dear reader, these are just some of the attributes of a King that ought to be manifested in your life. So which report are you going to believe? If I were you, I will slide in and agree with my new status in Christ. So my dearly beloved ones, it’s time for you to manifest your new status in Christ. So my dearly beloved ones, it’s time for you to manifest your kingly anointing and position. Will you embrace this truth today? (Rev.1v6: 5v10)
5. You are a holy nation. This means you are a holy race or tribe. This is your new status in Christ. So God’s holiness is your heritage and nature. You also belong to God, for you are his dedicated vessel or instrument. Therefore, you cannot just live anyhow or just do anything, for you are set aside for his holy use. This is why the enemy cannot just mess with you because your life is hidden in Christ and you belong to God. Glory be to Jesus; you are a holy person. So walk in and manifest the holiness of God everywhere you go (1Thess.4v7).
6. You are a peculiar people. Wow! What a great honour and privilege to bear this name. This is your new status and position in Christ. This is how to see yourself, i.e. peculiar and special. Yes, you are unique and extraordinary. You are his possession and personal property. You are his treasure and jewel. Anyone who wants to mess with you is also trying to mess with God’s possession and property. I guarantee you that such a kind of person shall not be guiltless. So my dear reader, it’s time to change the way you see yourself. Stop seeing yourself as trash or nobody because you are a rare breed and unique species of people in God’s eyes. You are not cheap or common but you have value and worth. Let these truths be fully established in your hearts. Start operating from this perspective and renounce completely everything that seeks to lower your self-esteem (1Pet.2v9; Tit.2v14).
My dear reader, it’s time for you to begin identifying with and appropriate your new position in Christ. Are you willing to do so from today?
Other Scriptural References: (Exo.19v5; Deut.14v2: 7v6; Heb.10v10; 1Pet.1v15-16; Pro.16v18; Eccle.8v4; Ps.21v2-3, 6; 2Cor.7v1; Eph.1v14).
Prayer for Today: Glory be to God, I acknowledge my new position as his King, holy tribe and peculiar people. This is my new status in Christ and I fully embrace it in Jesus name, amen.
CONFESSION: I am a king of the Most High. Therefore, I rule and reign upon the earth. I dominate my world and environment. I influence things, people and my world for good. I am his holy tribe and race. Therefore, I manifest his holiness and power to my generation. I belong to God and am his property and possession. I am the apple of his eyes and his mark of ownership is on my life and work. No devil or foe can mess with my life because I now belong to God. This is my heritage and portion in Jesus name, amen.
Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
Anyone who wants to mess with me is also trying to mess with God’s possession and property.
No devil or foe can mess with my life because I now belong to God..