(2Corinthians 5:17: Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation, old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new)
Dearly Beloved, I do hope that you have been enjoying this series of lessons on knowing your identity in Christ. As you can see from (2 Corinthians 5:17), you now have a new identity in Christ, and in our last lesson, we looked at our identity as the highly-favoured one. For today’s devotion, I will take you in the concluding part of our discussion on being the highly-favoured one. So what does it really mean to be the highly-favoured one?
It means:
- You are a recipient of His grace. This simply means that you have obtained or received the grace of God. So, the grace of God is yours as a partaker of His grace. Glory be to God, for you have tasted of His grace and His grace is sweet and beautiful. So, understand, precious child of God, it’s not something you are going to receive but you have already received (John 1:16).
- You are a product of His grace. Everything about you is centered on the grace of God. You are not complete without His grace; for His grace has made you who you are today. So, you are a grace-made person. This is another meaning of being the highly -favoured one. Glory be to God; His grace has made you and it’s going to keep making you (1Cor.15:10).
- You have found favour with God. The implication of this truth is huge and immense. It simply means the following:
- That God is no longer angry with you; you are now his beloved.
- That God has accepted you. You are no longer an outcast or a reject (Eph.1:6).
- That God takes special interest in you and your matter (Matt.10:30-31). You are the apple of his eye!
My dear reader, this is just a tip of how much God loves you as the highly-favoured one and you need to reach out today, by faith, and appropriate this new status of yours in Christ. Say “no” to anything that wants you to settle for less. Say this out boldly: “I am the highly-favoured one!”
Other Scriptural References: (Psalm 102:13; Luke 1:30; Exodus 33:17; Esther 2:17; Psalm 84:11).
Prayer for Today: Father, I thank you for bringing me into this privileged position of the highly-favoured one. I embrace and appropriate, by faith, my new status in Christ as the graced one. Thank you blessed Holy Spirit for this glorious opportunity.
CONFESSION: I once again affirm and declare today that I am the highly-favoured one. I am a recipient of God’s favour. I am a product of His grace and God’s favour beautifies my life and work. Glory be to God for I have found favour with Him. Therefore, I am loved and accepted by Him. The Lord now has special interest in me and everything that pertains to me. I live a grace-filled life and I am the apple of His eyes. Halleluyah, this is my position and heritage in Christ.

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
I learnt a lot from this morning devotion, It helped A lot!!☺