2 Corinthians 5:17: “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation, old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.”

You are welcome back to our discourse on knowing who you are in Christ and I strongly believe that you are blessed by the truths we have examined so far. The focus of our discussion today will be on another discovery about your identity in Christ. So, who are you in Christ?

xvii. You are the priest of the Most High (I Peter 2:5, 9). This is your new status in Christ. The priesthood is now your heritage as a child of God. You now occupy a highly privileged and honorable position. So, what does it really mean to be God’s Priest?

-You are God’s mediator. You are now a mediator between God and man. This simply means that you are that bridge that should link men to God. This is what it means to be a priest of God. You are to reconcile men and God. The world is supposed to find God through you. Glory be to God; you have been anointed to lead people to God. This is how you need to see yourself henceforth and it’s time for you to begin to operate as such. Are you willing to rise up to your responsibility? (Malachi 2:6).
-You are God’s messenger. God has given you His message, therefore, you are His voice. So, you need to begin to see yourself as the messenger of the Lord. Many believers do not see themselves as such because they have not been ordained into the ministry as ministers; but the truth of the matter is that under the New Covenant every child of God is a priest. This automatically makes you His messenger. Glory be to God; you are His messenger to your generation.
-You are God’s minister. This is also what it means to be a priest of God. You have been equipped to minister in His name. You are His server and you have been called to serve at His feet. This means that the ministry and ministering is your heritage. You need to stop saying God cannot use you because you are already his tool and instrument as a priest. You have been equipped to serve Him. You have what it takes to represent It’s time for you to rise up to this challenge (2 Corinthians 3:5 – 6).
Do you know that God can use you? Do you know you already have what it takes to serve? Yes, all the treasures and power are in you as His Priest. I, therefore, urge you today to embrace this truth about your status as the priest of the Lord.

Other Scriptural References: (Revelation 1:6; 5:10; Malachi 2:7).

Prayer for Today: Lord, I believe and accept my new status in Christ as your priest. I fully embrace this role and responsibility that you have bestowed on me. I chose to see myself as your priest and I walk in the consciousness of this truth. Thank you Lord for empowering me as your priest.

CONFESSION: I am a priest of the Most High for this is my new status in Christ. I am called to serve and minister in His name. I am His mediator and through me, humanity is being restored and reconciled back to God. I am a priest of the New Testament and I bear His glory and name everywhere I go. Glory be to God, the heritage of priesthood is mine and I function fully in this capacity as his priest.