2 Corinthians 5:17: “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation, old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.”

I trust that this series on knowing who you are in Christ is really transforming your life and bringing you into the place of total liberation and freedom (John 8:32). May our discourse today further bring you into the fullness of your heritage in Christ. So, who are you in Christ?
You are his workmanship (Ephesians 2:10). This is your new status in Christ. You are his divine work of art. You are God’s poetry and poem! I want us to go a step further by examining what it means to be God’s workmanship:

xvi. You are God’s product and fabrication. You are his handiwork. You are his making and not man’s making. You are a new creation skillfully created in Christ Jesus. This is how you need to see yourself now in Christ Jesus. This is what (Ephesians 2:10 says in the New American Bible, Revised Edition: For we are his handiwork created in Christ Jesus for the good works that God has prepared in advance, that we should live in them).
You are his masterpiece. You are his special work of ark, carefully created by God in Christ. You are not just an ordinary piece of art but the best and of the highest standard, for this what a masterpiece represents. You stand out among the rest. You are not common but uncommon. You are not cheap but expensive. You have value and worth. Stop looking down on yourself and start agreeing with your new identity in Christ. Regardless of your background or origin, you need to know with absolute conviction today that you are now a masterpiece in Christ. Say this out loud, “I am God’s masterpiece.” I pray that this revelation will sink down into your inner consciousness and transform your life today. It’s time for you to rebel against every contrary picture that you have on the inside about your true Identity.
Precious child of God, I want you to know as his masterpiece that:
– You are beautiful (Psalm 139:14)
– You are extremely valuable (2 Corinthians 4:7)
– You are a rare breed (2 Corinthians 5:17)

Other Scriptural References: (Ps.8:4-5; Jam.1:17; Philip.1:6: 2:13; Ps.100:3: 139:13-15: 119:73).

Prayer for Today: Father God, I believe I am your workmanship. I affirm by faith today and always that I am a special piece of art put together by Christ. I refuse to see myself any less than this henceforth. Lord, I receive grace to begin to walk according to the new status in Christ.

CONFESSION: I am a masterpiece in Christ. I am God’s product and handiwork. I am beautiful and valuable. I am made to bring Him glory and I manifest His good works everywhere I go. I am not an inferior or worthless product but I am His jewel of inestimable value and honor. Therefore, I add value everywhere I go and I stand out in my generation. This is who I am in Christ and I embrace fully this new status in Christ.