Deut.7v14: You shall be blessed above all peoples; there shall not be a male or female barren among you or among your livestock.
You are welcome back to our discussion on why you will not be barren as a believer. I trust you have been blessed by the things I have shared with you thus far. It’s very clear from (Deut.7v14) that fruitfulness is your heritage and lot. Therefore, there is no room for barrenness in any form or fashion in your life. Today, by his grace, I would further share more cogent reasons from the scriptures why barrenness is forbidden in your life. I believe you are ready for this! So here we go.
- Because you have God’s mandate to be fruitful. God released this mandate upon humanity in the beginning when he created Adam and Eve in (Gen.1v28) and this mandate is still very much in force and at work. This is God’s original mandate to everyone and this mandate of fruitfulness is yours and it exists in 5 dimensions according to (Gen.1v28) (i.e. be fruitful, multiply, replenish, subdue and have dominion over the earth). Because God has not changed his mind about this mandate, you will therefore not be barren.
- Because you are blessed of the Lord. The blessing of the Lord is your heritage and in fact, this blessing makes fruitful. Fruitfulness is an indicator of the blessing and as someone who is a carrier of the blessing, barrenness is forbidden in any form in your life (Pro.10v22). Say this after me, because I am blessed, I cannot be barren. Precious child of God, this is your heritage in Christ and I encourage you to believe and receive it today (Ps.107v38).
- Because fruitfulness is your heritage. What does this mean? You come from a rich heritage of fruitful people. Your father God is fruitful. Your Saviour and Lord Jesus is fruitful. Your blessed Comforter, i.e. The Holy Spirit, is fruitful. Those who operated faithfully in his covenant, i.e. like Abraham, Joseph, Moses et cetera., were all fruitful. So why will your case be different? (1Pet.2v9; Jn.15v16). My dear reader, you too shall be fruitful because you come from the generation of fruitful people. If you believe this, say a Big Amen.
- Because God is still in the business of making fruitful. He has not retired either is he thinking of such. He is still the God of fruitfulness and he still makes fruitful. This is why you can rest assured that you will not be barren in Jesus name, amen (Lev.26v9; Gen.17v6). My God has not forgotten you. He will surely visit you according to your lifetime, and your expectations will not be cut off.
Precious child of God, I want you to rejoice today because the tide is changing in your favour. His assurances are reliable and dependable. This is why I know you will not be ashamed at the end of the Day. I rejoice with you from today because your season of barrenness is over in Jesus name, amen.
Other Scriptural References: (Ps.127v1-3; Pro.21v31; Col.1v9-10; Eph.1v3; Gen.9v1, 7, 9: 25v21: 21v1-2; Deut.23v5; Ps.68v6).
Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, I am fully persuaded that your covenant of fruitfulness will speak in my life. Therefore, I will not be barren in Jesus name, amen.
CONFESSION: My God is not a liar but a promise keeper. His covenant of fruitfulness will not fail me. I am blessed beyond the curse. I am too blessed to be barren. The yoke of barrenness is broken and destroyed forever in my life and endeavors. His covenant of fruitfulness speaks in my life and in all that I do. The blessing of fruitfulness is my heritage and portion. Therefore, I manifest his fruitfulness everywhere I go in Jesus name, amen. Glory be to God; my era of fruitfulness is here.

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
I bless Your name for Your covenant of fruitfulness is evident in my life. Every yoke of unfruitfulness or barrenness is terminated permanently over my life, children, husband and family in Jesus name. Amen!
Blessed be the name of the Lord. The assurances and reassurance of hope for genuine fruitfulness can only be obtained, received and come from Him alone.
God’s Covenant of fruitfulness speaks in my life and the blessings of fruitfulness is evident in all that I do in JESUS Name.
I am blessed of the Lord. I remain fruitful.
Thank you father