Pro. 26 v 2: Like a flitting sparrow, like a flying swallow, so a curse without cause shall not alight.

There are reasons why things may not be working for you as you plan it. Knowing these reasons will set your life on a new trajectory of victory and lifting. Knowing why things are not working is the wisdom you need to know how to make things work in your life. And the good thing about this is that God is interested in revealing the answers or solutions that you seek to you. Why is this so? Because there is no other person who is really interested in your well-being and progress like God. Once again, in this lesson, I will be sharing with you another reason why things may not be working out well for you. Are you ready for it? Here we go!


  1. Inaction. Inaction or passivity is the reason at times why things are not working for some people. Nothing just happens, but things are made to happen. If you are doing nothing, then expect nothing. What are you doing with your time, life, gifts, skills, resources, or money? What are you doing to make, manage, and multiply money? What are you doing to be fit and healthy? What are you doing to realize your dreams or vision? (Matt.20v6). The big question is, what are you doing to realize your destiny? Hannah did something in Shiloh this time around in (1Sam.1v9-12) that changed her story and life forever. The Prodigal Son did something different in the strange land (Lk.15v17-20) that turned around his fortunes. Nothing happens until something moves! Action always beats intention. Your actions determine your outcomes in life. Your actions affect your today and tomorrow. The Universe and the Creator reward action, not inaction. So if you are passive, opportunities will pass you by easily. It’s time for you to overcome procrastination, idleness, excuses, and indecision. If your life will get better, you need to make the right kind of moves.

My dear reader, do you know that there are several ways by which you can become a man or woman of action? Your life can get better if you:

  • Start now. Take action now. Tomorrow is the only day that appeals to a lazy man. So get to work now (Eph.5v16).
  • Stop waiting for inspiration, just get to work now. If you wait for inspiration, you will never get anything done in your life. Stop waiting for the feeling; just do it (2Cor.5v7).
  • Become responsible. Start taking responsibility for yourself, your life, and your actions and stop blaming others. No man owes you anything. If it’s going to happen, it’s up to you (Rom.2v1).
  • Do your work on time. Do whatever you need to do on time. Time waits for no man, so avoid procrastination at all costs (Eccle.3v1).
  • Become a finisher. Don’t abandon your work for whatever reasons. Always strive to complete your task and assignment, no matter how hard it is. This is the pathway to becoming a great achiever in
  • life (2Tim.4v6-8).

So precious child of God, it’s time to become action-oriented to fulfill your colorful destiny. It’s time to overcome inaction. May today usher you into a new season of change in Jesus’ name, amen.

Other Scriptural References: (Gen.39v11; Jn.19v30; Eccle.11v4, 6; 2Ki.7v3; Mk.2v4-5: 5v27: 10v47-50).

Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, I embrace the lifestyle of action instead of being passive in Jesus’ name, amen. Help me to take hold of my destiny from today.

CONFESSION: I decide to take action and not blame others or things around me. I choose to take action for my life and where I am and not be idle or passive. I shake off every form of laziness and excuses. I know if it’s going to happen, it’s up to God and me. Therefore, I choose to play my part actively and diligently. I take hold of my destiny and my tomorrow by faith. I enter into the harvest of my actions and moves. My testimony from henceforth is that my outcomes in life are favorable and worthy of his praise. Hallelujah, thank you, Jesus!