Deuteronomy 23 v 5: “Nevertheless, the Lord your God would not listen to Balaam, but the Lord your God turned the curse into a blessing for you, because the Lord your God loves you.”

Our God has so many names by which he’s known by and this is understandable because there is no God like him. Today, we shall be looking at one of such names i.e. The God who specializes in turning things around positively. He knows how to turn things around for the better or good. It’s his area of speciality. That is why he turned the Curse that Balaam was to curse Israel into a Blessing as you can see from our text scripture in (Deuteronomy 23 verse 5).

He can turn a bad situation into good as he did for Joseph in Egypt (Gen.50v20).
He turned darkness into light as he did at the beginning (Gen.1v1-3).
He can turn ashes into beauty and in place of mourning cloth you with a Garment of Praise (Isa.61v1-3).

Whatever situation you are going through, I want you to know that the Unchanging Changer wants to visit you. He wants to change the story of your life because he is the Ultimate Game Changer.

I believe that through this series of lessons, God, who specialises in turning things around, will visit you. So get ready!

However, there are important truths you need to know about this God who can turn things around for Good. What are these Essential Truths? They are as follows:

1. He can Turn Any Situation Around. This simply means that there is no situation, condition or things that he cannot turn Around. This is so assuring and comforting to know, so there is nothing too big for him to handle. I have seen this power of his in action over the years in my life and that of several people, and I am persuaded that you too will be a partaker of this Grace. So I want you to be encouraged today, knowing fully well that the Unchanging Changer can handle whatever you are going through! (Gen.18v14).

2. He can suddenly turn Things Around. At times, he works unexpectedly or does things dramatically. The most important thing is for you to be willing and ready. It doesn’t cost God anything to change your story. Look at what happened to Joseph, one day, he was a Prisoner and the next moment, he was a Prime Minister.

That’s the God of Sudden Visitation and Transformation at Work. You can also see him in action during the time of famine in Samaria when within twenty-four hours, he changed a National Calamity into a Time of Great Abundance (2ki7v1-2,18). He is still the same God and he will surely visit you in this season in Jesus name, amen.

3. He can Gradually Turn Things Around. I mean, at times, he turns things around step by step or little by little. In other words, he brings your desired change in phases or stages! It’s like going through a process, i.e. one thing leading to another thing until the work is completed. Glory be to God! One of the important things to note when he chooses this method is that at least you are moving in the direction of your dream. You will get there if you faint not. So don’t allow the gradual changes to discourage you. One thing is sure and certain; you will ultimately get to your final destination. So never say Never.

My dear reader, for he who began the good work in you, he will finish it at the end of the day. You will appear in his Glory and Beauty (Deut.7v22).

My dear brothers and sisters, whichever method God chooses in turning things around for you, you need to be expectant and receptive, for all things will ultimately work together for your good. So get ready for his visitation.

Other Scriptural References: (Isa.28v10; Mk.8v22-25; Exo.13v17-18; Ps.126v1-3; Gen.41v38-39; Mk.3v5; Lk.1v37:18v27; Neh.13v2; Zech.8v13; Ps.30v11).

Prayer for Today: Father God, I acknowledge you in my life as the God who is capable of turning things in my Favour! Lord, I believe, please help my unbelief!

CONFESSION: Regardless of what I am passing through, I know and believe that my God is not asleep. He will visit me according to his purpose and goodwill. He has me in mind and my expectation will not be cut off. Nothing is impossible with my God. Therefore I expect to come out this Predicament Better and stronger! He will turn things around for me. In fact, I believe he is turning things around for my good right now. Glory be to God, for he is working behind the scenes to perfect all that concerns me, Hallelujah.