Philippians 2 verse 19 – 22 (NKJV): But I trust in the Lord Jesus to send Timothy to you shortly, that I also may be encouraged when I know your state. For I have no one like-minded, who will sincerely care for your state. 21 For all seek their own, not the things which are of Christ Jesus. But you know his proven character, that as a son with his father he served with me in the gospel.
When it comes to the work of the Lord, there are different kinds of workers. We don’t all have the same testimonies regarding God’s work. For instance, look at the way Apostle Paul referred to Timothy, his son in the faith (Philip2v20-21) it’s glaring that he was a different kind of worker compared to some other workers Paul had. The question how ever, is, what kind of a worker are you? This is very important because the kind of worker you are will determine the kind of reward you will receive. Whom you determine what you get. A good worker will get a good reward, while a bad worker will receive a bad reward. Matt 25 v 21, 23, 26.
From personal experience and from my study of the scriptures, I have discovered the following kinds of workers. As we take a good look at them, I want you to reflect and see where you belong and then make up your mind to improve on your service to God. May God touch your service life afresh in Jesus name, amen.
1. Good or Evil Workers.
When you study the Bible, you will notice this dichotomy also. You will see both valuable and destructive workers. Philip 3 v 2; 2 v 20. So, which one are you?
2. Faithful or Deceitful Workers.
Are you a Faithful or Deceitful Worker? You alone can answer this question by examining how you serve the Lord; you can know where you stand. Beloved, I encourage you to be the Kind of worker that can be depended on, other than being an unreliable worker. 1 Cor 4 v 7: 2 Cor 11 v 23
3. Diligent or Lazy Workers.
The work of God cannot be done by lazy people. It only thrives in the hands of the diligent. So, how would you score yourself in this regard? Are you the kind of worker that gets things done with speed and eagerness? Or are you the one that is indolent and slothful? It’s time to wake up from your slumber if you are sleeping? It’s time to be on the go for Jesus. It’s time to become diligent in the king’s business. Rom 12 v 11.
4. Comforting or Discouraging Workers.
There are workers in God’s vineyard who are a blessing and a source of encouragement to others. Are you that kind of worker? Dearly Beloved, it’s far better to be a comforting worker than a discouraging one. Make up your mind from today that you will become a valuable asset to God’s kingdom instead of being a liability. Col 4 v 11.
Beloved friends, it’s important that you become the kind of worker that brings glory to God and not otherwise. It’s time to evaluate your work in God’s house! Take an inventory today and make up your mind to do your work better! I see you getting better in Jesus name, amen.
Other scriptural references: Rom 16 v 6, 12, 21: 1Cor 15 v 10; 16 v 10: 2Tim 4 v 14; 1 v 16,18: Jer 48 v 10
Prayer for today: Holy Spirit, help me to become an ideal worker for my God in Jesus name, amen.
CONFESSION: I choose to become the kind of worker that God takes pleasure in. I choose to be the right kind of worker in his vineyard. I choose to be a blessing, not a burden. I choose to be a contributor and not a consumer. This shall be my testimony and experience in the land of the living in Jesus name, amen

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
Thank you Sir. This is very instructional.