Jn15v8, 16: “By this My Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit; so you will be my disciples. You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should remain, that whatever you ask the Father in my name, he may give you”.
I have been sharing with you what the concept of fruitfulness really means. This is important for you if you will receive in totality the blessings of fruitfulness. Fruitfulness is God’s will for you as you can see in (Jn.15v8, 16). So, don’t settle for anything less. However, you can’t take advantage of what you don’t understand. This is why you need to understand the concept of fruitfulness and by the grace of God, today I will be sharing the remaining 3 dimensions of what fruitfulness is.
The meaning of fruitfulness:
5. To be productive and not just to cover grounds or make up the number. Fruitfulness is productivity and the level of productivity in a nation determines her economy and progress. Productivity is key and crucial and to be fruitful means to be productive. How productive are you in your life, work and other endeavors? You need to understand from henceforth that your productivity is a manifestation of your fruitfulness. It’s time to lift the lid on your productivity level. It’s time to raise your productivity to another level (Matt.13v8).
6. To be a contributor and not just a consumer. To be fruitful means to be useful or to be adding value wherever you are. This is what fruitfulness entails. Are you a blessing or a burden? Are you a voice or an echo? Are you making impact? My dear reader, the answer you give will determine whether you are really fruitful or not. You need to understand that God’s best for you is to be a valuable contributor in life. Therefore, I encourage you to choose to be a contributor (1Sam.22v14).
7. To bear the fruits of righteousness. This means to bear the fruit of the Spirit. The fruit of the Spirit are love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, faithfulness, meekness and temperance as listed in (Gal.5v22-23). To be fruitful, therefore, as a believer is to manifest and exhibit these fruits in your life and attitudes. It also means to be Christ-like in your disposition and character. This is what fruitfulness represents and as a carrier of his Spirit and nature, to what extent are you manifesting these fruits? This should be your ultimate goal and desire. It’s time to grow up and mature in the fruits of the Spirit. When you do so, you truly bring glory to God and also please him fully.
Other Scriptural References: (Phil.1v11; 2Cor.9v10; Jam.3v18; Philip.2v19-22, 25; Matt.25v21, 23; Lk.13v6-9).
Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, I fully embrace your concept of fruitfulness. My heart’s desire is to bear fruits like you ordained me to. Therefore, I receive your help to do so in Jesus name, amen.
CONFESSION: Bearing fruits is my heritage and portion in Christ. I bear the fruit of Christ. Therefore, I am Christ-like in my disposition and attitude. I am a contributor and not a consumer. I create and add value everywhere I go. I live a productive and fulfilling life. My fruits are abiding and abounding for I am fruitful after the order and pattern of Christ.

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
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