Pro.13v20: He who walks with wise men will be wise, but the companion of fools will be destroyed.
It’s apparent from (Pro.13v20) that who you walk with shapes and influences your life either positively or negatively. This is why you need to pay attention to the kind of people you walk with. In our last lesson, I laid a solid foundation on this subject matter. Today by His grace, my intention is to share with us some of the qualities of the kind of people you ought to walk with (Pro.17v17). What kind of people should you walk with?
The kind of people to walk with:
- People who are wiser and better than you. These are the kind of people you need to associate with if you really want to be a better person (Pro.15v12).
- People who are more successful than you are.
- People who have been to where you are going i.e. they have been to where you are trying to go to (Matt.4v19).
- People who have a proven track record i.e. they have proofs and results to justify their claims.
- People who will tell you the truth i.e. they will tell you what you need to hear not what you want to hear (Pro.12v19, 22).
- People who genuinely care about you i.e. not people who are just interested in what you have (2Cor.12v15).
- People who carry what you need or require.
- People who will make you better than they met you.
- People with a sense of purpose and destiny e.g. Naomi/Ruth, Mordecai/Esther.
- People who have been sent to you by God (Phil.2v19-22).
Dearly beloved, these are just some of the qualities you need to look out for in developing meaningful relationships. I hope you will find it useful and effective in determining who you allow into your circle of influence. May you find strength and succour as you engage these principles. May you encounter positive relationships that will change your life forever in Jesus name, amen.
Other Scriptural References: (1Ki.19v19-21; 2Ki.2v15; 1Sam.10v5-10; 1Ki.17v9; Rom.16v1-4; 1Sam.18v1-4).
Prayer for Today: Holy Spirit, help me to identify and establish the right kind of people that I ought to walk with, in Jesus name, amen.
CONFESSION: Lord, help me to make the most out of the relationships in my life. Help me to be discreet and sound in choosing my friends. Help me to make the right kind of decisions as per who to walk with. Lord, give me the courage and will to do what is right and pleasing in your sight. Help me to experience and know in reality the power of positive relationships in Jesus name, amen.

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
Help me to choose my relationships wisely Lord
Holy Spirit help me to identify and establish the right kind of relationship in JESUS Name.
I receive grace to identify God ordained relationships in Jesus name.