Pro.29v18: Where there is no revelation, the people cast off restraint; but happy is he who keeps the law.
Jn.10v10: The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.
Welcome back to our discussion on vision destroyers and how to deal with them. I believe you are gaining the upper hand over the enemies of your vision. This is the will of God concerning you. If your vision will see the light of day, you need to deal with every potential enemy of your vision. So far in this series, I have shared with you how to deal with four major enemies of your vision. My focus in today’s teaching will be on the fifth enemy of your dreams. So without much ado, let’s examine this destroyer of many dreams/visions.
- Indiscipline. Indiscipline is a destroyer of many visions and dreams. That is why it’s difficult to fulfil your vision without discipline. It was indiscipline that truncated the vision and dream of Gehazi (servant of Elisha) and Samson. This is why you need to be disciplined if you will ever realise your vision or dreams. Indiscipline means a lack of discipline, i.e. a lack of control in the behaviour of a group of people with the result that they behave badly. Generally speaking, discipline is a form of self-control, self-restraint or training to improve strength. So, how disciplined are you as a person? My dear reader, in order to fulfil your vision, you need to cultivate discipline in the following areas of your life:
* Your Emotions/Feelings. So, how disciplined are you in your emotions? If you cannot control your negative emotions and you allow them to get the better part of you, it will stop you from fulfilling your vision. This is what happened to Samson in (Judg.14v19-20). His vision was abolished because he couldn’t control his temper or anger. It’s time to master your negative emotions.
* Your appetite. This has to do with what you eat or drink, and this can also kill your vision if you are a man given to food or drink. You need to know that we eat to live and not live to eat. So my dear beloved ones, it’s time to tame your appetite so that you can accomplish your vision (Gen.25v29-34).
* Your Desires, i.e. these are the things you want or long for. There is nothing wrong with your desires as long as they are lawful. However, it becomes a problem when they inordinate and lustful desires (2Ki.5v26-27). Therefore, you need to tame your desires.
* Your Body. This is another area where you need to bring your body under control if you really want to fulfil your vision/dreams (1Cor.9v27).
* Your Mind/Thoughts. You need to choose your thoughts wisely if you ever want to accomplish your vision. You can’t afford to think anyhow. So it’s time to exercise discipline in your thoughts and what you also think about (Pro.23v7; Phil.4v8).
Dearly beloved ones, are you ready to deal with indiscipline in your life? Are you willing to gain supremacy over indiscipline? The way to overcoming indiscipline is by:
- Making self-discipline your goal and objective. Go after the lifestyle of discipline. Develop the fruit of self-control in your life by walking with the Holy Spirit and obeying his word (Gal.5v22-23; Jn.13v17).
- Becoming Accountable to God/Man. The people who are indisciplined are usually out of control and are not answerable to anybody. Make up your mind to be accountable to God and man. In this way, you give yourself a good chance of winning the warfare over indiscipline (Rom.12v17; 2Chro.26v5).
- Associating with other people who are highly disciplined. You become like those you associate with. So why not start making friends with people who are highly disciplined. By so doing, you will be allowing the spirit of discipline to rob off on you (Dan.1v8, 17).
My dear reader, you can fulfil your vision if you successfully imbibe the quality of discipline. So it’s time to renounce every form of indiscipline in your life. it’s time to say No to indiscipline by every possible means. Doing this will usher you into your colourful destiny. May this be your living reality in Jesus name, amen.
Other Scriptural References: (Eph.4v23; Gen.39v7, 10: 49v5-7: 19v30-38; Job 31v1; Pro.23v1-3; Num.11v4-6; Col.3v5; Philip.4v8; Jug.14v6, 9, 16; Rom.14v12).
Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, I renounce all forms of indiscipline in my life. I embrace the spirit of self-control in the name of Jesus, amen.
CONFESSION: I embrace the culture of discipline from today. I imbibe the spirit of self-discipline in all my endeavours. I say no to indiscipline and all its agents. As I exercise control over my mind, body and feelings, I am becoming the person I was designed to be. As I exercise control over my appetite and desires, my dreams are seeing the light of day. Glory be to Jesus. It’s a new day for me. My vision is coming to fruition in Jesus name, amen.

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
I think right. Help me lord.