Psalm 147verse1 ’Praise ye the Lord: for it is good to sing praise unto our God; for it is pleasant; and praise is comely.’
It’s not everyone who fully understands whatever they are doing. This is also true concerning praising God. Many people praise God without really praising God. This is why you need to understand what praise is all about and that is why God is bringing this message your way. So what is praising God all about? What is the implied meaning of praising God?
1. Praise is a decision. Praise is an act of your will based on the resolution of your mind. Praising God therefore is a choice and not something you do by force or chance. So my dear reader, praise is a decision that you do regardless of your feelings or circumstances of life Ps34v1;104v33;69v30-31, so have you made up your mind to praise God?
2. Praise is a sacrifice. It’s an offering that you give to God that cost you something. So this simply means that praising God will cost you something. It will take something out of you. This is what praising God is all about and this is how you ought to praise God. Are you ready to offer your sacrifice of praise? 1Ki8v63: Ps50v14;107v21-2
3. Praise is a weapon of Warfare. Praise is one of your major weapons of warfare. It is designed by God to put you over in life Ps149v6-9.
God uses your praise to give you Victory in the following ways:
-By sending confusion into the camp of the enemy.2Chro20v22-23
-By breaking the gates of brass and cutting the bars of iron in asunder. Ps107v16
-By opening all prison doors and loosing everyone’s bands. Acts 16v26
Dearly beloved, these are just some of the ways by which your praise gives you the victory.
I believe that with this understanding of what praise is, your life of praise will never remain the same in Jesus name amen.
Other Scriptural References: Ps107v15-16,21-22;24v7-10;144v9: Heb13v15: 1Ki8v63: Jn12v3: Hab3v17-19: Ps116v17
Prayer for Today: Holy Spirit thank you for visiting my praise life with these powerful truths and insights in Jesus name amen
CONFESSION: My praise worship experience is changing for the better! As I gain a new understanding of praise, so is my life changing. My life and work is indeed a reflection of the wonders of his Praise. Hallelujah!
Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
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