Psalm 147verse1 ’Praise ye the Lord: for it is good to sing praise unto our God; for it is pleasant; and praise is comely.’
I know praise means different things to different people, that is why it’s important to understand what praise is. I am sure you are wondering why it’s important to know what praise is really all about. Why is praising God so important? It’s important because of the following reasons:
1. So that you can offer praise to God in the right manner. There is a way in which God wants to be praised, this is why it’s so crucial for you to know what praising God really entails. Ps29v1-2
2. So that you can fully experience the power of praise. Praise is a powerful weapon in the hands of a believer who knows how to use it. But if you will really experience the wonders of his Praise, then you need to have a proper understanding of praising God. Matt22v29
3. So that you will be able to give yourself fully to praising God. I have discovered that when you know what you are doing, you will be more committed and dedicated to that thing. So knowing what praise is will help you to have the right attitude towards praise. Ps82v5
Dearly Beloved, it’s time for you to truly understand what praising God is all about. We don’t just want to be doing something because of tradition or routine but we want to do whatever we do with understanding. I pray that you will be able to praise God with a better understanding in Jesus name, amen.
Other Scriptural References: 1Chro15v13: Pro16v22: Ps119v144: Ps92v1-4;69v30-31
Prayer for Today: Lord, grant me a deeper revelation of praise in Jesus name, amen.
CONFESSION: Glory be to God, I praise God with understanding and not like one who beats about the air. I praise God from the point of understanding and revelation. Therefore, I command unusual results and favors in Jesus name, amen. This is my testimony and Song!

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
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