Hebrews 13verse4 ‘Marriage is honorable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge.
Dearly beloved, I trust that you are enjoying this series of lessons on marriage. The truth is that many of us have ideas or notions that do not align with God’s mind as per marriage. This is why we have been examining what marriage is all about. And if you recall from our last lesson, one sure way of knowing what something is; is by looking at what is not. I have shared some dimensions of what marriage is not and today, by His grace; I intend to share more insights about this, .so without wasting time, let’s examine these points right away.
What Marriage is not?
7. Marriage is not by force but by choice. Everybody has a choice in the matter of marriage, and this is why you shouldn’t get married out of cohesion or compulsion. It should be voluntary and something that should come from your heart. So my dear reader, if you want to be happy in your marriage, don’t let anyone or culture force you into any kind of marriage. Always remember that marriage is by choice and not by force. Jos24v15
8. Marriage is not the Wedding Ceremony. I know that the wedding is part of the marriage but they are not the same. Wedding is for some moments, while marriage is for a lifetime. The wedding is an event, while the marriage is an experience. Or you can even say that the wedding is the rehearsal while marriage is the real thing. So it’s important for you to be prepared for marriage and not just the wedding. Many people spend so much time on the wedding other than preparing themselves for the marriage. This is what is responsible for some of the struggles or frustrations in marriage. However, you can avoid all of this drama by getting ready for your marriage. I believe that the truth that you are receiving now will help you in this pursuit in Jesus name, amen. Pro14v1
9. Marriage is not a 50/50 proposition but a 100/100 proposition. This is one understanding you need concerning marriage that will help you a lot in your marital journey. So what is the difference? A 100/100 proposition means that both partners walk into the marriage knowing that you need to take 100% of the burden. It also means that you are 100% responsible for yourself, 100% accountable for your own experience and 100% responsible for the relationship. This is the kind of approach you need towards your marriage if it’s going to work. So my challenge to you today is to embrace this truth so that you can experience the bliss of marriage. Pro4v5,7.
10. Marriage is not just a written agreement; it’s a covenant relationship between a man and a woman. Marriage is more than a legal contract, it’s also a covenant. This is why you need to look before you commit. Marriage is a spiritual contract. It’s more powerful than you think. So stop looking at marriage from the natural angle alone; see it from the spiritual dimension. When you have this understanding, it will help you to make the most out of your marriage. So what are you waiting for? 1Cor6v16-17
Other Scriptural References: Philip2v13: Amo3v3: Gen2v18,24: Lk9v62: Ruth1v16-18
Prayer for Today: Thank you, Father, for illuminating my path with the light of your word in Jesus name, amen.
CONFESSION: I receive these insights about what marriage is all about. As I walk in the light of these truths, my experience in marriage is getting better and sweeter. By faith, I enter into a deeper dimension of what Marriage was designed to be in Jesus name, amen.

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
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