Hebrews 13verse4 ‘Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge.
Marriage is the first and the oldest institution in the world and in order to understand marriage, we need to go to the creator or the originator of marriage, which is God. People see marriage through various lenses, some see marriage from the cultural or traditional point of view, while others look at it from their own ideology or concept but the best place to go if you want to understand marriage is God. As you can see in our text scripture (Hebrews 13verse4) that marriage is an honourable thing. This is how the creator of marriage views marriage. Marriage is a blissful and beautiful thing because God never created anything evil. Gen 1v31. So my dear reader, how can you understand marriage? One way you can do this is by knowing what marriage is not. Yes, this is one of the ways by which you can understand marriage. So without much ado let’s examine these principles right away.
What marriage is not:
1. Marriage is not cohabitation. The fact that some people live together does not make it legal or acceptable to God. Living together with someone without being properly or legally married is not marriage. I know this is common in our world but that does not make it right. The basis of living together is based on marriage and not the other way around as we see in our world today. 1Cor14v40: Gen2v24-25
2. Marriage is not polygamy or polyandry but monogamy. I am sure you know the difference between these kinds of marriages. The divine order, as we see from the book of Genesis, is one man and woman together in marriage. Anything apart from this is a violation of God’s order. Eph5v31
3.Marriage is not a Master and servant relationship but a symbiotic kind of relationship. A master and servant relationship is a kind of domineering relationship. This is not God’s plan concerning marriage. In marriage, you are to serve one another and not oppress, afflict, or torture each other. As the husband, you need to realize that your wife is your helper according to Genesis 2verse18. The word help meet for him (Genesis 2verse18) is the Hebrew word “Ezer Kenegdo ‘ which literally means a helper suited to, worthy of or corresponding to him. This is the kind of person your wife is supposed to be to you and as the wife, your husband is meant to be your covering and blessing to you. Both partners are meant to be complimentary to each other and not to be in competition against one another.
My dear brothers and sisters, marriage is meant to be a blessing and not a burden. It was designed by God to be a fulfilling experience for humanity. This is God’s agenda for marriage, so anything apart from this should be resisted and renounced by you. As we receive these truths about the concepts of marriage, may your marital life change for the better in Jesus name, amen.
Other Scriptural References: 1Pet3v7: Eccle4v9;7v29: 1Cor6v9: Hos4v6: Pro16v4:18v22
Prayer for Today: Holy Spirit, thank you for opening my eyes of understanding to the truths about marriage in Jesus name, amen.
CONFESSION: Thank you, Father, for your glorious plan concerning marriage. I embrace these truths with the whole of my heart and mind. I will enjoy my marriage and not endure it. My marriage will be a source of blessing and inspiration to my world in Jesus name, amen.
Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
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