Matt.22v37: Jesus said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind”.
There is no doubt that we are living in such a time where the love of many for God has waxed cold. This is why this series of lessons is coming your way today to awaken you to the fact that your love for God must be on the increase. Do not allow anything or anyone to come between your love for God! Guard and Treasure your love for him jealously because it’s one of your major sources of strength! So my dear brothers and sisters, how would you describe your love for God? Do you really love him, or are you following because of what you can get? You are the only one who can sincerely answer these questions.
I pray you will have the courage to do so today, as this will help you to know where you are in your love walk with God.
So how can you tell the difference between those who sincerely love God or otherwise? You can tell someone who genuinely loves God by certain attributes or traits that they possess. So the big question is asking yourself whether you have these qualities.
1. They keep his word. True lovers of God are lovers of his word. If you really love God genuinely, you will also love his Word. You can’t have one without the other. Moreover, this is evidenced by the fact that true lovers of God love to spend time in his Word and meditate on his word. They have given his Word a rightful place in their lives. Do you have this kind regard and respect for the Word of God? It’s time for you to begin to invest heavily in the Word of God. It’s time for God’s word to begin to dominate every area of your life (Lk.10v38-42; Acts 6v4).
2. They keep his Commandments. They don’t just love his Word, but they also do his Word. In fact, keeping his Commandments is major proof of your love for God. You can’t be a breaker and a violator of his Word and be a lover at the same time. My dear reader, if you truly love God, you will keep his Word! (Jn.14v15, 21, 23). Your love is supposed to be in deed and truth. So to what extent do you really keep his Word? Your ability to keep his Word is a manifestation of your love for God! I pray that your capacity to keep his Word will never Diminish in Jesus name, amen.
3. They love his house. A true lover of God loves to be in his house. They take delight in coming into his Presence and his house. Can this be said about you? Do you seek the interest and pleasure of his House? This is how you recognize the true lover of God! They love to be in His Presence and also long to be in His Presence. They never get tired of coming into his House or presence because his presence means everything to them. They want to come into his Presence or House regularly. This is the Hallmark of those who sincerely love God (Ps.84v1-2: 63v1-2).
What can you say, therefore, about these truths that I have shared with you Today? Where do you think you Stand? I want you to honestly ask yourself these questions in order to take your love walk with God to another level. May today mark a new Beginning for you.
Other Scriptural References: (Ps.1v1-3: 119v16, 47, 72; Job 23v12; 1Jn.5v3; Jn.21v15-17; Rom.13v7; Ps.26v8: 132v1-5; Lk.2v36-37).
Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, I receive Grace today to be Doer of these truths in Jesus name, amen.
CONFESSION: Heavenly Father, I renew my love for your house today. I also renew my love for your word too. I receive Grace to be a keeper of your commandments. I receive the Visitation of God today on my love life and Walk with Him. Today marks a new beginning in my life. Glory be to his name because things are changing in my favour!

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
Help me to love you Lord like I am supposed to. Please help me. In Jesus name. Amen