1Pet.2v1-2: Therefore, laying aside all malice, all deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and all evil speaking. As newborn babies, desire the pure milk of the word that you may grow thereby.
I sincerely believe that you are enjoying this series of teaching on Spiritual Growth. Our focus has been essentially on the tools and equipment you need to experience spiritual growth. For spiritual growth to take place, you need to deploy the right kind of tools. I have shared three powerful tools with you so far in this series and today by his grace, I will be sharing with you another major tool for spiritual growth. So without wasting time, let’s examine this tool right away.
1. WALKING WITH THE RIGHT KIND OF PEOPLE. You need to walk with the right kind of people if you want to grow spiritually. For every Timothy, there is a Paul. For every Paul, there is a Barnabas. For every Samuel, there is an Eli and for every Elisha, there is an Elijah. So who are the people that God has sent into your life? (Acts 9v27: 11v24-25). It’s important for you to know them if you really desire to grow spiritually. You smell like the company you keep. You become like the company you keep. In fact, the company you keep is the prophecy of your future. This is why you need to choose your company wisely (Pro.13v20). There is a connection between growth and your association. So, my dear reader, you need the right kind of mentorship and discipleship in your life if you really want to grow spiritually.
So what kind of people do you need to walk with in order to experience spiritual growth? The people you ought to walk with should have the following qualities:
- They should be people who are ahead of you spiritually speaking. They come in the form of mentors, coaches, teachers, or leaders (1Sam.2v11, 18).
- They are people who can inspire and challenge you spiritually i.e. people who can make you better spiritually (1Sam.22v2).
- They are people who can fuel or increase your passion or love for God; they draw you closer to God (Rom.12v11).
- They are people who tell you what you need to hear, not what you want to hear. They speak the truth to you no matter the circumstances (Eph.4v15).
- They are people who are genuinely interested in your progress/well-being.
- They are people you can open up to. They won’t betray your trust and confidence (Acts 9v26-28).
- They are people who won’t rest until you become the Best you could possibly be in God.
These people are God sent to you. They will ensure that you get to your promised land spiritually. It’s time for you to be sensitive to these kind of people that Jehovah has placed in your circle of influence. As you discover these people, may your growth know no limits in Jesus’ name, amen.
Other Scriptural References: (1Cor.15v33; Pro.27v17: 17v17; Eccle.4v9; Acts 16v1-3; 1Sam.2v11, 18: 3v1, 19; Jug.11v3; Matt.4v19).
Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, help me to discern and recognize the people you have placed in my circle of influence for my spiritual growth in Jesus’ name, amen.
CONFESSION: Thank you, Father, for placing in my life profitable and positive relationships. Thank you for the gift of men and women. Praise God, I am never alone and I will never walk alone. Thank you for surrounding me with the right kind of people. I will not miss out on the people you have sent into my life. As I discover and encounter them, my spiritual life is getting better and stronger. Glory be to God, for I am gaining wisdom and insight from these wonderful relationships to the praise of his name. Hallelujah!

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
AMEN 🙏 Amen 🙏 Amen 🙏 Amen 🙏 Amen 🙏 Amen 🙏 Amen 🙏 Amen 🙏 Amen 🙏