1Pet.2v1-2: Therefore, laying aside all malice, all deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and all evil speaking. As newborn babies, desire the pure milk of the word, that you may grow thereby.
There are tools of engagement in any chosen field of endeavour in life. Just as the doctor depends on the stethoscope or the lawyer depends on the constitution in order to minister to the needs of their clients, you too need to depend on specific tools if you want to grow up spiritually. Certain tools will help you to grow, and so far, I have shared one of such tools with you in our last lesson. But today, by His grace, I would like to present to you the second tool meant for your spiritual nourishment. So here we go!
- PRAYER. This is another powerful tool for spiritual growth. Without prayer, you won’t grow spiritually. Most spiritual men are men of prayer. So if you really want to grow spiritually, you need to pay attention to your prayer life (Acts 6v4: 2v42). Prayer is the interaction of your spirit with that of God. It is connecting and fellowshipping with your heavenly father via your spirit man (Jn.4v24). My dear reader, are you ready to give adequate time and attention to your prayer life? When you do so, you will be empowering your prayer life. So it’s time to make prayer a necessity and an important part of your lifestyle. It’s time to inculcate the habit of prayer into your life and walk. You can develop your capacity to pray; it just depends on your commitment and determination to pray. Will you rise to this challenge today?
While it’s important to pray in order to grow spiritually, however, there are certain ways of praying that will bring you the best results in your spiritual growth and development. This should be your primary focus and goal. So what are these ways of praying? You should:
- Pray by schedule. This simply means you should have a praying time. It’s being proven from experience that it’s better to start your day early with God in the place of prayer (Acts3v1).
- Have a praying place or prayer closet? Where you pray is important if you are to get the best out of your prayer. So make sure you find a place where you spend quality time with God in order to grow spiritually (Mk.1v35).
- Pray consistently. In consistency lies power. This is why you should endeavour to pray regularly, every day and without interruptions, if you really want to grow spiritually (1Thes.5v17).
- Pray with others. There is a blessing you get from praying alone but there are also blessings you get from praying with others too. So watch out for prayerful partnerships and platforms of getting God in the place of prayer that will greatly enrich and nourish your spiritual life (Acts 1v14; Lk.11v1.
- Pray in the Spirit. Praying in tongues is one of the most effective and edifying means of prayer that you need to deploy to your advantage if you really want to grow spiritually. So it’s time to draw strength and grace from this uncommon dimension of prayer. One thing I can guarantee you is that your spiritual walk will change for the better (Jud.1v20)
Precious child of God, it’s time to embrace the burden and spirit of prayer. It’s time to shake off every spirit of weariness and lukewarmness. It’s time to give yourself to the ministry of prayer and supplication.
Other Scriptural References: (Lk.5v16: 6v12; 1Cor.14v2, 18; Lk.2v37: 18v1; Rom.8v26: 12v12; Col.4v2; Eph.6v18).
Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, I give myself to the ministry of prayer from today in Jesus name. Holy Spirit, help me to be faithful to this pledge.
CONFESSION: I commit myself to a lifestyle of prayer. Therefore, I take delight in praying and seeking God’s face. I love to spend time with my heavenly father. Therefore, I say no to every stumbling block to developing my prayer life. I sever myself from every form of excuses or limitations to effective prayer life. As I tarry and prevail in the place of prayer, my spiritual life and walk with God is getting strengthened day by day. Glory be to God; I am breaking new grounds in my prayer life.
Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
This is illumination of HIS Word, Prayer the master key that will open the door of Spiritual growth while other blessing follows.
Increase in the Anointing Sir in JESUS Name.
I receive help in praying consistently in Jesus name. I grow spiritually. I am not where I used to be spiritually. I have grown and I am growing in Jesus name. Amen