Eccle.3v1: To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven.
Life ought to be lived in seasons; this simply means that there are certain things you need to do at certain times and one of such things is having time to reflect and project. The Almighty did not create you just to live without reflecting or thinking and refreshing in your life. This is why I have been sharing with you this great and important subject matter. In our last lesson, I began to share with you insights on how to go about the business of reflecting and projecting. By his grace today, I will share more insights with you as to how you reflect and project. So without wasting any time, let’s examine these principles right away.
- Get your writing materials in place. I mean, get your pen, paper, or journal ready. This is part and parcel of reflecting and projecting. From experience, these materials or tools will help you in doing the exercise of reflecting and projecting well. Do you know why this is so? As you reflect and project, you will need to write down or note some important thoughts, information, revelation, observation or inferences et cetera. This is why you need these materials because you will need to think on paper or think aloud in your time of reflection and projection. So it’s important for you to have these tools in place (Hab.2v2).
- By counting the cost. What do I mean by this? I am simply talking about counting the cost of pursuing your goals, dreams, or aspirations. There is always a price to pay for everything in life because for everything you gain in life, you lose something, and for everything you lose in life, you gain something. So nothing goes for nothing! My dear reader, are you ready to pay the price for whatsoever you are pursuing? This may be related to your destiny, goals, and aspirations in life. The higher you want to go in life, the greater the price. So it’s time for you to count the cost! This is an important part of your time of reflecting and projecting that you need to pay close attention to if your dreams will ultimately see the light of day (Lk.14v28-30). So do you realize what your dreams or goals will cost you? Are you ready to pay this price?
- Get good and godly counsel. This is an essential part of reflecting and projecting that you can’t ignore or pass by. In your time of reflecting and projecting, you need good and sound advice, so where and whom you go to really matters. You need the right kind of advice if you will really fulfill your colorful destiny. My dearly beloved ones, make sure you spend your time reflecting and projecting well by getting good and godly counsel from proven and tested men and women that God has placed around you. Their counsel will greatly help you in actualizing your dreams and also arriving at your expected destination. So make good use of this golden opportunity to transform your life, work, and results (Pro.11v14: 20v18).
Other Scriptural References: (Pro.4v5, 7: 15v12, 32; Ps.81v10, 16; 2Ki.2v1-5; Lk.9v62; Pro.17v16: 13v20; 2Sam.16v23).
Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, I receive grace to take action and steps on the revelation and truths I have received this day in Jesus name, amen.
CONFESSION: I commit myself to the process of reflecting and projecting. I choose to make out time for this great and important exercise of life and destiny. I do not walk alone; neither am I relying on my wisdom or counsel. I tap into the wisdom of those who know more than I do. I walk in the counsel of the wise and godly. Therefore, my ways are prosperous and blessed. I am willing to do what is required of me in order to fulfill my colorful destiny. As I take my orders from God, my life is changing for the better and for his glory in Jesus name, amen.

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
I receive Grace to act on these truth revealed in JESUS Name.
Reflecting and projecting is a steady part of my life. My soul receive quietness in meditation. Thank you Lord
Thank you sir for sharing these thoughts. God bless you sir